There is a whole collection of negative words and phrases that most of us have owned and used incessantly throughout our lives. They are the words used by those discouraging voices in our heads in an effort to keep us and our lives small and deceptively safe. They include favorites like, “I can’t,” “I haven’t,” “I won’t,” “I’m not enough,” “There’s not enough,” “But”, “I should” “If only” and many more. After years spent digesting this spiel of fear and lack it’s easy to see how we could end up believing ourselves incapable of achieving anything outside of this norm we have created
Read MoreSo here is My Ask…
As I appreciate your reading my weekly blogs I would be so honored to have you tune in to my videos on TT and to help promote me and Coaching to the Core/Imagine Something Better one baby step at a time.
Read MoreWe are all living the life we have chosen at this very moment. And we have learned to carefully craft excuses as to why we’ve stayed trapped in a job we hate or an unfulfilling relationship with no way out, etc. But there is great news because there is always a choice to change our perspective at any age. It just depends on how badly we want to live our dreams.
Read MoreThis in what might seem like a non-sensical mind exercise not only taught me to always be aware and to remember that I live around ‘lions/tigers and bears, oh my’ but to make every moment count. There are lessons to be learned all the time about becoming more conscious; to pay attention to some of these perceived outdated rules (15 mph???) for a good reason. By simply slow down and giving the life around us more attention and by taking advantage of simple signals that have hidden or obvious messages in which to pay heed are such a gift and ones in which you would never want to return!
Read MoreThe push and pull of these two opposing forces of our nature, the heart and the mind, can be incredibly stressful because they are not apt to talk and align with each other all the time. We know in our hearts that we need to pull it together and heave ourselves out of whatever rut we’ve fallen into but it’s always so easy to come up with a host of reasons and people to support why we can’t or shouldn’t.
Read MoreBetween the ages of 40 and 45, most women are unceremoniously introduced to a physical unfolding known as perimenopause. Along with this prelude of unwanted surprises are a plethora of body changes. For instance, hot flashes which are brought on by the fluctuation of estrogen levels in the body. Our hormones are taking us for the ride of our life. Include a drop in muscle mass starting by our mid 40’s and we can look forward to an additional 30% decrease over the following 20 years. As that muscle mass, which encases and protects our bones is slipping away, we can also look ahead to the prospects of a decrease in bone density! And then there’s the potential of vaginal dryness, ouch! Oh joy and rapture, this ride just keeps getting better!
Read MoreWith our changing society this is why we as individuals must get more grounded and familiar with who we are at a very intimate level. One way to do this we first must be willing to alter our perceptions and lead with a clearer intention using this mantra if you will… “To thine ownself be true.”
Read MoreThere comes a time when we have needed permission to fend for ourselves but the ‘others’ unfortunately arena not so adept in doing this for themselves. With a consciousness filled with fear and doubt due to the messages we have been told through thousands of years about who we are supposed to be, how do we go about discarding the perceived safety nets that have been all-encompassing up until this moment? We find ourselves literally scratching our heads not being sure which path to take or that there even is one available to us.
Read MoreMy leading question was what problems were keeping me from being able to have the kind of relationship I had always wanted and desired. Identifying and coming up against the invisible walls I had built and then learn to flush out any old beliefs that were lurking in my subconscious were being written by a skywriter for me to see.
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The Dali Lama said because of our nurturing gene we not only need to acknowledge and respect this wonderful God-given gift but because the of our changing times it is crucial we share this gift along with the world as new leaders.
Read MoreNot many of us are risk takers however a lot of us have found ourselves doing something we never thought possible. Think back at a time when you have been in this situation. See, you can do it!
If you are like me, I have found that I eventually get to the point when I’m so annoyed with my lack of taking charge that I have no choice but to trust and jump in. And see, I live to tell my story.
Read MoreBe a person of integrity and knows at the deepest part of our heart how to live from ‘doing unto others the way we would have done unto ourselves.
Read More“IMAGINE SOMETHING BETTER” is offered as a haven for you to collaborate and create meaningful next steps which includes aligning ourselves to our True self…that brilliant inner knowing that knows u better than our thinking brain has been told and has answers to questions that we haven’t
Read MoreJust recently a person who was a lifelong friend ended our relationship with a text…actually, a few of them came across as cold, cut, and dry. It was a foolish way to convey one’s feelings and led to some very hurtful ones but somehow my friend decided to take what he thought was the easy way out of confrontation.
Read MoreIf you take a moment to Google all the self-help books available today you will find that number to be around 86,000 as of 2019 and growing with many of them saying similar things.
Read MoreNo matter how confusing life can be; how many challenges that present themselves; how we may find our physical body reacting in ways that never serve us; we can always dig a bit deeper to find that diamond as to how much we want to take this next hurdle and change the trajectory of our habits and align them to our higher sense of self.
Read MoreSimply put the interpretation your brain makes based on what you see, hear, smell, feel, taste and how that correlates to previous memories is the only place to go to heal old wounds that have surfaced due to a projection.
Read MoreRemember the outcome of your wanting may end up looking quite different than what you initially imagined however owning the ‘why, when’ and how’ will allow for the outcome to be successful because you own it. This way of looking at your life is created by and belongs to your hook, line, and sinker. (Expression from the early 1800’s meaning without hesitation or reservation.)
Read MoreCheck in with some of the more successful and happy people you know and see how they have created their juju; ask them how they appear to have created such a great life for themselves and see what their philosophy is in getting them through the day.
Read MoreTo me fear is not the culprit but the perception of what it has been made to believe, is. How it is expressed and orchestrated around us is the scary part. Fear or as is expressed ‘false evidence appearing real” is as real as your imagination wants to make it; as negative as your mind wants to make it; is the perpetrator that keeps us feeling less than or small.
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