Studies have shown that we engage in the act of self-talk every 11 seconds and it’s estimated that we have an average of 51,000 thoughts a day. I just Googled another study and they are saying that we have only 6,000 thoughts a day.  Well, the one thing they agree upon is that of whatever the number 80% of the thoughts are negative!

Good grief!!

Just think about that and what the impact is on your state of mind!  I’m surprised that most of us even get out of bed in the morning if we are one of the many who have become most prolific in staying with the raggedy mood behavior all day long!

There is a whole collection of negative words and phrases that most of us have owned and used incessantly throughout our lives. They are the words used by those discouraging voices in our heads in an effort to keep us and our lives small and deceptively safe. They include favorites like, “I can’t,” “I haven’t,” “I won’t,” “I’m not enough,” “There’s not enough,” “But”, “I should” “If only” and many more. After years spent digesting this spiel of fear and lack it’s easy to see how we could end up believing ourselves incapable of achieving anything outside of this norm we have created.

Let’s make something perfectly clear; we are the only ones who can make the choice to throw off the shackles of these kinds of internal messages and to stop believing them. The only power over us that they possess is the power we give them.

Your new mantra:  I am not my thoughts as thoughts are simply what we tell ourselves. 

If we buy into the discouraging voices in our minds that are speaking what we have trained them to believe, then we will allow them full reign over our demeanor and become our true and tried reality.

And the longer we buy into those negative messages, the harder it is to accept that they aren’t true. Ultimately, they can keep us from achieving even the smallest of our dreams.

There is nothing to be gained from commiserating, complaining and dumping our woes of dissatisfaction and discouragement onto friends and family. They can’t help us change. In fact, we can become mighty tiresome to ourselves playing that broken record of gloom over and over. The last thing any of us would want is to know that as we show up for dinner with friends all they are thinking is what pains in life they will have to hear coming from you again!

It takes practice and the use of clinical techniques to retrain the brain however if committed to do so we all are most capable of making a change in how we view our life for the better. 

Remember this…we put the thoughts in and we can take them out and replace them with more inspirational words that will align to our higher self.

Reframing our negative thoughts is a tool you can use to help you get out of the rabbit hole. Here’s a simple example:

Negative You: “I knew that I blew that presentation.  I am so ashamed and feel like such a loser.”

Reframing You:  I don’t think that went exactly how I envisioned it however I am so proud that I followed through and next time I will focus a bit more on the parts I feel need more attention.”

Whether 6,000 or 51,000 thoughts a day (I’m believing the latter is true…come into my mind sometimes), the number of thoughts you have may matter less than the ways they actually affect you.  So, pay attention to how you feel when you think that/those thoughts and if you are feeling inadequate in any way, know that here lies your homework!

My work as a life coach helps you tackle issues like this so feel free to leave me a message and let’s talk about how I can help! 

Blessings to positive and successful outcomes going forward,


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Jude Luttrell coaches with full-on wisdom and enthusiasm. She is a weekly blogger whose articles can be found on her website, Videos about empowerment, awareness, creating a better life and tips on clothing and makeup... you name it can be found on her daily TikTok and IG page. Jude is a writer and a published author, an ordained minister, a graduate of the University of Santa Monica with certifications in Consciousness, Heath and Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Soul Centered Life Coaching, a 50-year meditator in TM and Mindfulness and a Breast Cancer Survivor.

To find out more and join in with others striving to be their BEST and Imagine Something Better, click here to sign up for weekly blogs, ask questions and be in the know of future programs on the horizon. 

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