(E-meet me in the video below)



My mission and purpose is to enrich the world by helping my clients reach exceptionally high levels of inner growth and success. I do this by working one on one with select clients with whom we share common values and principles. Together we take on bold challenges to achieve the extraordinary. 

My clients are required to make a commitment to impart positive change on the world when we are done. My methods may not be for everyone, but for those who are ready, the outcomes have been priceless.



Ever since I was quite young, I imagined that there was something better in-store for me. Always being a take-charge girl, a lot of my spare time was spent trying to fix peoples’ problems…whether they asked for help or not!

However, even though during that time I found an enormous amount of satisfaction having conversations with people, my ‘consciousness/awareness’ gene had not matured enough for me to understand what this feel-good really meant on a deeper level. Looking back I now recognize it had been a silent yet constant nudging to help me to bring my craft of ‘fixing’ into a tangible, workable career as a certified life coach helping others find their “something better.”

With a past-to-present history full of important lessons where course correction has been key, I have traveled though an array of careers starting at 15 years old as a clothing stylist, flight attendant, corporate salesperson, licensed minister, graduate of spiritual psychology and life coaching, author, breast cancer survivor and seminar presenter.

This rich tapestry of experiences has been and still is a remarkable journey that has enhanced my perception, insight and understanding about life, its challenges, and gifts along with giving me a uniquely authentic quality to my coaching voice.

My promise is to deliver a true partnership in my coaching practice so that my clients and I will experience navigating unknown waters while generating a more robust life resulting with increased vitality, imagination, joy and always, LOVE!



Passionate •  Committed •  Honest •  Open • Vibrant

Passionate about creating lasting change in the world. Committed to bringing things into my life that excite and inspire me. Honest with myself and others. Open to opportunities. Vibrant with possibilities.


Freedom •  Humanity •  Loyalty •  Connection • Adventure • Commitment • Authenticity 


Watching my clients enrich the world in beautiful and meaningful ways is what truly inspires me. The way I work at Coaching to the Core is by guiding people into a space where they discover their authentic Self. This results in a feeling of confidence and empowerment. It is at this defining moment when one has the ability to create generational change.

By the way, check out my book!

Jude Luttrell's Over 40 Fit and Fab is a modern woman's guide to finding her way through the inevitable trials, challenges, transitions and wonders associated with attaining that badge of honor known as middle age. This fun, no-nonsense book takes you on a journey from the physical to mental to spiritual well being that is sometimes humorous, sometimes moving, always honest and inspiring. Drawn from her own personal experiences with everything from menopause to breast cancer to the horrors of cellulite, Jude holds nothing back as she gives the reader a window into the sometimes unsettling and confusing emotions that can accompany a woman's growth and evolution into this new phase of life. Over 40 Fit & Fab lays out a path to taking responsibility for your past and setting intentions for your future life. Packed with helpful tips, suggestions, affirmations and a heap of advice based on her own mistakes, discoveries and triumphs, this book is a must-read for any woman who is afraid that along with her thirties, she's left the best years of her life behind her. Over 40 Fit & Fab is your key to designing the life you've always dreamed of.