Now the word ‘trying’ can be such a trying word if we don’t use it in a productive fashion.  It can become one of those words of allowing ourselves to stay uncommitted like when we say that we ‘should’ do such and such and never do. 

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Relishing our life and living from a place of knowing that there are more dreams, hopes, desires to achieve is exciting! To reflect back to yesterday and track how it has magically led you to where you are today is quite eye-opening; to know that there may be a litany of things you still yearn to do regardless of imagined ramifications. 

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A therapist friend of mine just today shared an exercise that a client of hers is doing with gratefulness using the alphabet. Simply, A equals ?, B equals? all the way through to Z.   I immediately sat down and “gave it a go” and am delighted to say the results were interesting, fun and even a bit challenging! ie. ‘artistic’ for A, ‘healthy Banter’ for B…

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I was speaking with a friend the other day and she’s getting ready to wrap up a 35-year successful career in sales.  When I asked her what it looks like for her once she’s signed on the bottom line of this part of her life story her response was “That’s the problem, I don’t know!  I guess I’ll wait for it to fall into my lap!”

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When we go to take our first steps as a baby what always happens…we fall.  However, after allowing the impact of hitting the ground subside and any tears are left to dry or used on our cheeks as badges of honor and commitment, we do what many of us as adults do not do.  We try again.  We seek and instinctively relish the challenge of learning how to travel on our feet as opposed to our knees.  We don’t give up.

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 I’m a huge advocate of meditation as many of my readers already know. For me it not only helps to alleviate stress along with a laundry list of other healing modalities but by dampening down the stress it, in turn, gives me much more clarity.  Simply noted if we don’t have some outlet to decompress, we are adding insult to injury.

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Taking in and honoring our bodies on a daily basis is a start to living a healthier life. This kind of information found on the internet like meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, yoga, peace and calm apps like Headspace, Exhale, Smilingmind, etc. are available now for you to try out and find the one that fits you the best.  

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Wow, the excitement and absolute magic I got to see first thing with colored lights and bulbs and garland and in those days tinsel adorning our tree which was now nothing but Perfect along with tons of presents in our on assigned area under the tree

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It's that time again, part 5

The family in the covered wagon were racing as fast as they could from the bad guys that were wanting to rob them. They went off the trail thinking they could lose their potential capturers only to find that they were closing in on the edge of the mountain. They tried to pull back on the horses but it was too late. The wagon, the horses and all fell to their death. The End.

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It's that time again, part 4

This cancer experience taught me that our lives are filled with choices and opportunities whether we choose to acknowledge and take personal responsibility or not. As I continually asked myself how I wanted to live my life going forward my answer was a resounding call for abundance in joy, peace of mind and love. I was and am very clear that there is a gift in every challenge, and if I am to be fully present in this life, I must use all the wisdom that has been afforded to me from the experiences I faced even if they didn’t initially appear like a lovely walk in the park.

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It's that time again, part

If you are glazing over this article pretending that it won’t happen to you or that you want to hear only good news I’m here to tell you that although the circumstances surrounding this story don’t show up as a day in the park, the reality of what can happen and how one can handle it conjoining all forces, mind/body/spirit have a story that is worth reading about.

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It's that time again, part 2

Last week I shared with you the first part of my crossing that led me to a bigger excursion with a finding of breast cancer. I believe when one hears this decree your body goes into fight and flight; your adrenaline is peaked and everything inside speeds up in your heart, your brain, while your life flashes before you.

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