Bittersweet tears and enormous gratitude for everything she stood for and emulated such grace, humility, predictability, steadfastness. All the drama in her 96 years yet she was stoic and delivered herself with dignity.
Read MoreYou have kids. You’re on autopilot. Who are you when you are taking on the daily ritual? Do you think about YOU in the scenario? Are you aware of your feelings and what you are enjoying/not enjoying about what you are doing? If you actually took a moment to think about YOU what would you say? What would you like to change/add/alter/renew?
Read MoreI was hooked on Game of Thrones a few years ago and we now have the history being told 150 years before called House of Dragons. I have tried not to make a reality comparison from pitting one against the other because I will then not be taking advantage of enjoying something new.
Read MoreConsider how much time we spend thinking about the things we feel we need to make our lives better? Then think about how much time we spend showing ourselves appreciation for all of the things we already have?
Read MoreOne of the hardest things in life is feeling stuck in a situation that we don’t like and want to change.
Read MoreThe big smile and loving giggle that these two crestin pekin ducks brought to me was priceless and warmed my heart. As they quacked and chatted to each other and swam in their pool and retreated to their living quarters that they share with the chickens…ah, to live a small, unique carefree life, I thought about how little it takes to make one happy. And I think the answer is about not what one wants but what one needs to feel safe and contented.
Read MoreRemember it’s all doable, whatever it is you decide to do. And you don’t have to reach the top of the mountain on your first try but using baby steps is the key to driving oneself to a successful outcome.
Read MoreDid you ever or have you paid attention to simply stopping what you are doing (you may be in mid-stride walking somewhere or gardening or at work behind the computer) and focus on how you’re really feeling inside? Start with paying attention to your breathing. Stop thinking about anything else. Just do it!
Read More“How you perceive the issue is the issue” taught by Drs. Ron and Mary of USM. As I was a new student and anxious to learn everything right at that moment in time I also made a lot of assumptions along the way.
Read MoreStaying too long at the fair has it disadvantages yet sometimes we’re just not ready to leave.
Read More“Oh good grief. You again! Well, go away. I’m having a good day and I don’t want to think about you and what you represent right now. I’m fine so just leave me alone!”
Read MoreRecognizing that you already are a spiritual being requires a shift in your way of being.
Read MoreI wonder if by allowing ourselves to give pause and deliberate introspection that we would look at all the issues in the world today i.e. pandemic, economy, housing prices, war, environmental changes etc. as just a painful experience?
Read MoreNot being honest with ourselves creates an illusion that surprises us when the results show up a bit askew. And let’s be truthful here. We all are looking for quick fixes but may not have the slightest idea what this means because we haven’t been honest with who we think we know ourselves to be!
Read MoreI believe I can safely assume that we are all getting tired of the way the old narrative menu is reading. Same old same old to the point that we are starting to search elsewhere for something new that is inspiring, uplifting, joyful, optimistic, and savory! Yay for us!!
Read MoreHello! I am back to wrap the last 3 email blasts about meditation into one blog which I hope you find useful and give you easy access in which to refer when you start your new practice!
To refresh some of what I shared in one of my blasts I talked about starting my kind of meditation using Transcendental Meditation which was brought to the US back in the early 70’s by George Harrison of the Beatles along with his teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yoga.
Read MoreI was thinking about what I could do with the narrative that keeps bombarding us…from the Presidency a few years ago to covid and now with Ukraine and I see where it has become even more important to stay aligned to my higher self and not sink into the abyss.
Read MoreWe as part of the whole human race are doing a bad job at recognizing our worth and how to use it to the betterment of us all. We have taken too many years with too much faith in allowing others to make decisions for us as they have silently coerced us into believing that we will always be safe. But in all actuality, we are not safe.
Read MoreHuman beings need structure and a foundation from which to operate so that we can live a somewhat comfortable life of controlled chaos. Knowing where the lines are drawn to stay within yet also understanding there is more risk if we step outside of them allows for us to assume a sense of balance and safety and courageous adventure.
Read MoreWhat is truth? According to the dictionary it is “the real facts about something.” Back in the “old” days most of us were susceptible to hear, own and then honor the truth. However, in todays’ world we are caught between wanting to align to what we are hearing to be the truth and then getting confused about whether the sound-bites on social media are possibly factual.
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