He said, she said, they said.
How do we decipher the truth nowadays?
What is truth? According to the dictionary it is “the real facts about something.” Back in the “old” days most of us were susceptible to hear, own and then honor the truth. However, in today’s’ world we are caught between wanting to align to what we are hearing to be the truth and then getting confused about whether the sound-bites on social media are possibly factual.
Now, there is something exciting about taking an extra step to question whether something is real and concrete yet I also believe we are in a place in time and space where so many things are being questioned that even those who believe the earth is flat are getting a voice (which is really hard to believe however look at our political controversy over the past few years). Therefore, don’t always believe what you hear.
Here’s an interesting piece regarding researching the truth.
There was a co-authored study done by Frank Kiel and Matthew Fisher from the psychology department at Yale University suggesting that when we search the internet for information, we tend to feel smarter even though a thorough study on the subject isn’t usually done that would allow for more relevant information to arise. They found that even when individuals who are considered experts in a subject but act without continued research and exploration may have at some point exploited their own knowledge and formed an illusion about the truth.
Fisher also found in a poll taken by both republicans and democrats whether they were in support of bombing the city of Agrabah (which is a made-up Disney city from the movie of Aladdin) were the results showed up that a quarter of the poll takers were in favor of the bombing, half weren’t really sure and the rest were opposed.
Those in support of the bombing, not even knowing or researching that this city was indeed “real” felt that they were savvy enough with what the news has told them over the years about our relationship with the middle east that just the name of the city confirmed their belief. It curiously made them feel confident in their obliviousness to say “Yes, off with their heads!”
This kind of scenario reinforces more authentically why we must delve into a subject before we go about as the expert while making wild guesses.
Read more at: https://ascienceenthusiast.com/dunning-kruger/
I personally love being in conversation with friends and Googling trivia, like how tall is Tom Cruise really? (According to Jeff Goldblum on this Disney show, The World According to Jeff Goldblum, Tom is teeny tiny and chances are that this is true being in the same biz). But I’m not looking to blow up anything, ever!
As responsible occupants of the same planet we have to look to ourselves and ask if we really are seeking the truth or are we just looking to find familiarity that will resonate with our tribe so that we fit in.
If you know anything about our chakra system then you have knowledge of our root chakra, the first of 7 chakras, which is defined as tribal…”wanting to belong; feeling trust, safety and protection.” Still, it appears that what many of us have done by being lazy, unconscious, or just not trusting that there is a world outside of the tribe, we have locked ourselves inside an illusionary world.
But I ask you…don’t we have a responsibility as living, energetic Beings to step up and out of this self-perceived safeness and explore the land of our inner consciousness? Asking “Who am I really outside of the tribe; what do I truly believe and how can I be better as part of the whole?” before possibly telling false truths?
I hear this on a daily basis, “How are we going to get through this untidiness full of unfamiliarity we’re in and when will it be over?” Sitting in speculation shows up as being somewhat vacuous, right? However, we do have a choice. We can do something super novel that will not only help us to evolve and go from any signs of stupid to smart to becoming more informed, awake and self-sufficient. How much time this will take is up to the collective consciousness but sooner than later is best for all concerned.
So maybe part of the answer to even the most seemingly trite but amazingly important solution lies in us by means of one, waking up; two, taking action by staying legitimately informed; three, being responsible for our own thinking; and four, realize at a deeper level or a level that has been marred by energy of tribal thinking that there is another way and that anything is possible.
We will always be surrounded by news that we don’t want to hear however if we stay in our authentic Self, we can find the comfort in knowing that there isn’t just one way to solve a problem and we have the power to imagine something better; there are other valid points of view and being comfortable in the discomfort is one of the first ways to open up to new ways of Being.
In this case we might entertain taking a road trip to see if we drive far enough, we actually will fall off of the planet, but at least we did our own homework.
To your brilliance unfolding,
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