How did I get here? Dunno, but the sun continues to shine!

How I ended up moving to Santa Fe is a question I have been asked numerous times and I have no hard and fast answer.

The truth is…I do not know.  It’s not a place where I have been yearning to live; I have only visited 4 times and the last two were to find a home to purchase (which, by the way thru much trial and error in my busy brain playing ping-pong, I decided to rent.  Good move!)

I thought Santa Fe to be pretty and was spurred on by others who voiced their opinions by saying how wonderful it was when they visited (some 20 years ago…but I chose to leave that assessment of time out as I really welcomed any encouragement that I was making the right move).

Looking back on my behavior history, this ‘wanting’ approval has always been a bit of a hitch for me.  In my long life, every single job I have had was because someone suggested I would be good at it and whether that was the case, I was never really happy with any of them.

This of course is another spoke in the wheel of life as to how we learn. It’s not the good times but the challenging ones that put us on report. 

But this time, with a newfound awareness to what I wanted for my future I got to packing up and moving my life into the complete unknown.

I’m sharing this because we all have these messages at one time or another, the mindful clarity that leads us to the Ah-ha’s which is persistent in telling us that we have to give up something to move forward in our growth. 

This kind of experience is exciting, adventurous, heart-opening and at the same time kinda scary.   And as an aside I found that it’s super important to have those people around you who will listen with loving support because you are being asked to change something that has in one way made you feel safe and on the other you’ve been avoiding!  And we all know how much we LOVE change!

I had a conversation the other night at a dinner party with a recent LA transplant by the name of Wendy who used the exact words that I had used on my 4-plus month journey of letting go.

In her own words and mine unspoken, she said that if she stayed in LA she would die.  Now neither of us mean that this death was to be taken literally, duh, and though it may sound a bit dramatic, the idea of staying put was like living in solitary confinement; that something was dying inside. Big walls around us and no place to grow.

We all know when we are sick and tired of being sick and tired about something; that we’ve stayed too long at the fair; we’ve become too big for the pond; that the brass rings on the merry go round are all gone and have been for a long time. And if we didn’t scratch this itch it wasn’t ever going to let us go. 

In order to claim the fullness of our life and how we are going to finish it out, we have to be willing to let go of control and surrender to what is happening at the moment.  It’s that place inside that stores a lot of stories about what part and how much of your Broadway play is defined by fear and doubt, always lurking behind the thousands of questions that have very unique ways of making us second guess our motives. 

But I found that those negative voices weren’t vocal at all through my decision and still have not surfaced even today. 

Cool, maybe I am growing up!  The “what if I hate it? What if I make no friends?  What if the sky falls and Chicken Little was right?” Crickets!!   I actually believe these smaller self-aspects of mine, also knew it was time for me to go! And like my mom always said when someone’s’ mind couldn’t be made up…Sh*t or get off the pot!

So I did.

When the pandemic hit we were all confined within the makings of our own world, mentally, physically and emotionally.  Yet, within the self-created safeness of our abodes, we all had great opportunities to observe, reflect, and even start registering some of the following:

  1. Look at what we had already created in our life and ask ourselves what needed refining and adjusting?

  2. Asking if WE personally needed adjusting?

  3. How and in what way/fashion could we commit to going forward making life better, happier, more fluid?

  4. How do we remain mindful that the very popular pandemic adage “We’re all in this together” is and will be hugely meaningful going forward. 

  5. How we are going to be a part of the whole in healing our world, as ONE?

  6. How do “I” want to show up more conscious and awake, what will that take and how willing am I to be more of who I have been?

  7. How do I keep from defaulting to the past when it’s the present that only matters?

A friend of mine is a doctor and a coaching client.  The other day she shared with me her surprise that a lot of the people in her life socially, along with coworkers and patients are making things difficult on themselves because they can’t figure out how to “get back to normal.” 

The short answer I told her is that we will never get back to normal as that ship has sailed.  History never gets repeated even though the saying of ‘history always repeats itself’ has been thrown around for years.  The scenario may have similarities, but it is never a do-over. 

I have observed those who are struggling to get back to the good ol’ days are not allowing themselves to invest in more conscious insights. The conversation about the real truth is waiting in the present to be revealed by careful thought and contemplation, instead of rebounding to old worn-out missives.

We must give our over-thinking minds a rest from what the shadow Self is relentlessly pontificating and sit in the truth of who we are; what we want not need; that we are part of the Whole; what makes us joyful and brings peace to our day; to know that if we simply look around and see what and who we have created within we can be empowered beyond belief.

So when you just know something to be true, respect yourself enough to take pause to that “voice” inside.  Quiet your mind, listen from your heart and allow the message to be heard as it being delivered on your behalf.   “It” wants the best for you.  You are being gently but insistently reminded not to ignore what you hear, especially if you hear it again and again over time.  It’s not happening to you but for you to help raise you to the next level of transformation, which is what we are all as citizens of the world are living through and will be for many years to come.

And as is said at the end of a declaration of truth… “And so it is and so it shall be.”   

To your brilliance unfolding with love,


P.S Check me out on Instagram, @JudeLuttrellCoaching and when you hear or read something that resonates within you, or you think someone can benefit, please make a connection for me.  I am always in appreciation!

Jude Luttrell