Who's running the show?

Human beings need structure and a foundation from which to operate so that we can live a somewhat comfortable life of controlled chaos.  Knowing where the lines are drawn to stay within yet also understanding there is more risk if we step outside of them allows for us to assume a sense of balance and safety and courageous adventure. 

Along with established guidelines, other people’s stories and the origination of telling them have been carried throughout the ages. With our tendency to be very tribal we have unconsciously followed others over the cliffs time and time again and have cemented the direction that has been set up for us to have and to hold.  But do all marriages really last?

Our evolvement as a human race has taken a huge back seat to the advancement of technology.  It is probably too late for us to even understand how we fit in to the scheme of the future.  With the creation of the AI’s we may stay stuck or be kept farther behind the curve to the demise of our existence if we don’t wake up.

Yes, we are most appreciative to those who set up this semblance of order which allows us to play out our lives on this planet.  However, the question that is looming around us in todays world is whether we truly comprehend who we are at our deepest level.

Have you ever asked yourself a semblance of this following question?

“What is my most unique and authentic true wants, passion, design and desire that I will love to do and be proud of as an asset not only to myself but to the world?” 

I have always wondered about the Bible, a lovely little well-known book that has given comfort and room to pause and reflect to millions over the ages.  Just who wrote it, how many participated in the structure, foundation and interpretation of Gods’ words.  Are we in a tug of war with trying to hold on to the integrity of what was while aligning with our way of life today?  Do we have a grasp on the real message?

Bottom line, we are missing a very important message over and over again.  We are resorting to a dark side and making vast exclamations about how much we hate something when the only answer, the only reason we exist is to be messengers of love. Once we understand that pure and simple fact, life’s round peg will fit into the round hole every time. 

If we try to figure our life operating from an old structure and by continually trying to fit our reality into the confines of what one or a few have interpreted to be the only way to carry out our life then we may be missing this simple message time and time again.

We cannot control the world nor can we let it control us. However, we can listen to the messages that we are hearing from a deeper place inside of our true knowing.

We Can: 

*Be mindful throughout the day.  Am I paying attention to who I am when I am doing what I am doing?

*Observe our behavior while learning more about who we are.

*Take note to what role we intend to play out with love while we are here.

By doing some simple practices you can find yourself awakening to the real reason we are here which is to love; to be love; to give love; to express your life through love. Finding a new sense of solitude and comfort in the peace you will be creating, that part of you that has been patiently awaiting your willingness to shine your light from within will emerge.

Here's a tip and technique that is one of many processes you can start to practice to start to open this new space. 

As many of you know or have heard meditation is a key to our being able to access the deeper more authentic expression of our being.  It helps with lessening stress, improves immune system, allows a sense of peace and calm to emerge, etc. And in honor of monk Thich Nhat Hanh who just passed at 95 years of age who was and will always be remembered as a global spiritual leader and sage master of mindfulness, I leave you with one of his sweet mediations to experience a moment of the very special divine inside:  A Tea Meditation. 

1.     Sit upright in a comfortable position.

2.     Hold a cup of tea in your hands.

3.     Notice how the cup feels in your hands, including which parts of the hands feel warm because of the heat from the tea.

4.     Become aware of how the tea looks, if there is steam, and any other observations with your eyes.

5.     Allow the scent of the tea to delight your sense of smell.

6.     What else can you become aware of about this cup of tea and its relationship to you now?

7.     Take a sip of the tea, with gratitude and enjoyment of this moment.

8.     As you focus on how the tea tastes and feels in your mouth you become more present to this moment, letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.

9.     After you sip the tea, pause. Let its effect sink in as you go back to the other senses, feeling the cup in your hands and appreciating this moment.

10. Alternate sipping and pausing and when you have finished the tea head slowly into the rest of your day. 


To your brilliant unfolding,



Keep Imagining Something Better

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