Who's running the show... Part Two

I think it is fair to say that my last blog confused some readers. And when I reread it for the umpteenth time it confused me.  It appeared to be 3 prime tops conjoined at the hip.

Most of the time when I write I put my whole self into my words.  It’s very much like jumping into a world where there is no one but me and my computer.  Actually, it is one of the only places where I truly lose myself in thought at a very deep level.  It’s quite cool.

In retrospect I can liken what I was saying in blog #1 from a place I experienced when I was much younger and I would smoke a little marijuana.  My, how I could stand on my podium and pontificate about something/the topic of the moment, feeling rightist in my determination and delivery and in such a very thought-provoking way (I believed), only to totally forget what I was emoting about 2 minutes later.  I can still do that now and there are no drugs involved…just a slight disintegration of aging brain cells!

So, I’m going to make this part two more clear by going in for one last hurrah both for me from my ‘cool’ place and for you whom I respect and am in gratitude for taking the time to follow my blogs! 

We as part of the whole human race are doing a bad job at recognizing our worth and how to use it to the betterment of us all.  We have taken too many years with too much faith in allowing others to make decisions for us as they have silently coerced us into believing that we will always be safe.  But in all actuality, we are not safe. 

The world outside of us is morphing so quickly that there is no way we can conceptualize where we will eventually fit in.  From climate change to artificial intelligence to quirky politicians to managers not leaders (because there is a big difference between the two), of our finances who still hold tight to the theory of being part of the old boys’ club.  Eyes are not open; ears are closed off, new ideas for healing our planet are being banned from speaking about it and fear is creeping through every nook and cranny of our spirit.

Sound dramatic?  Welcome to the new world where many deny it’s existence.  Welcome to a world where people are finding it easier to come from fear and darkness and not paying heed to how damaging this is becoming.

Why are all these pretty huge catastrophic issues slipping thru our lives, still?  It’s not that we haven’t been hearing about most of them for years so why are we still pretending that if we just ignore them that we will be safe and the bad things will go away?  How many issues are right in front of us right now…let me count the ways:


1.      Pandemic

2.      Nuclear threats

3.      Environmental destruction

4.      Starvation

5.      Water shortage

6.      Human rights

7.      Poverty

8.      Homelessness

9.      One more to add on…war.


I don’t think just one person wrote the Bible.  I also don’t think it’s feasible that God’s message was so redundant and so terribly long and not so interesting.  I personally feel that Spirits message to us all boils down to one thing…being responsible, conscious, compassionate, non-judgmental, loving, grateful, and most importantly while learning to own these attributes, to become knowledgeable about ourselves at a deep level of deliberate self-introspection.              

The idea that has been drummed into us over time is that we must love ourselves before we can love others, right?  But did God’s interpreters convey this message properly so that we understood what was meant by this?  Do you truly and unconditionally LOVE you?

The foundation of who we all are is very simply, LOVE.  There is nothing more integral as it is a part of our whole being.  There is no more of a special gift of how to feel empowered and in unity with one and all.  There is no one on the planet that doesn’t want to be and give love. So why are we hiding behind fear?

However, if we don’t have that innate sense of knowing who we are from an authentic heart-felt place; if we honesty don’t know what it feels to truly and completely think of ourself as a good, kind, compassionate, loving person full of gratitude, joyfulness, appreciation and want the best for all people; if we stay lazy and not ask more of ourselves then we will continue to plod along in life not to expand, grow or evolve.

We all are gifted with unique qualities and for the most part we keep them hidden, take them for granted, give them no credence, think of them as ordinary, don’t want to ‘brag,’etc.

But if and when we choose to take that moment or those moments in time using a deliberate source of meditation allowing the stress in life to get lighter; when we feel clearer and more focused and purposeful and we feel that AHa, a true understanding materializes from the depth of how we have been living others’ beliefs.  It is here when you sense your authentic truth bubbles up from that soft voice inside just waiting for you to finally listen…it’s our heart asking us to ask “Why not be more?  Why not appreciate all of me?”

Remember life happens for you not to you and whether you know it consciously or not we are being asked to be the person that God has always hoped we would be.  Be the LOVE and be proud.  The world is imploring us.  

To your brilliance unfolding,


Keep Imagining Something Better

Comments? As always, would love to hear from you!

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