My Thoughts About Today in Our World
I was thinking about what I could do with the narrative that keeps bombarding us…from the Presidency a few years ago to covid and now with Ukraine and I see where it has become even more important to stay aligned to my higher self and not sink into the abyss.
Some of the ways in which we can do this are:
· Be even more focused on our growth as spiritual beings living on this earth plane
· Lead from our loving, LIGHT selves.
· Be very conscious not to ingest the dark side and find ourselves standing behind the chain link fence with those who have let go and allowed their LIGHT to get dim and over-wrought with ego.
· Teach and keep practicing with love and wisdom.
· BE the world that we want to see, live and thrive in.
· Keep your dreams for hope, tranquility and safeness alive.
· Acknowledge that this a world with many foibles and that the news will work on keeping us in fear. Knowing this we must keep in the front of our minds that we WILL NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN!
· Show up for your loved ones more often than not and let them know you have their backs and vice versa.
Burma, Afghanistan, Syria, S. Sudan, Haiti and too many others are in desperate need of our prayers/our light as they are either in starvation mode or being bludgeoned daily…all of this is going on at the same time we are witnessing what we in the US have yet to experience and yet we could come to live in a way never to have been experienced in our lifetime. We are being led to focus on just one country right now as the media continues to hit us hard.
At the same time we are seeing a people who are standing up against the evil empire and fighting for their home…they are owning their power and brilliance. We must remember.
Therefore, we must change our own narrative. If we continue to allow ourselves to FEEL the pain so deeply that we find we are only living from a place of disempowerment giving it free reign to overtake our true self; if we do not take these messages that are all around us at this moment seriously; if we fail to learn and own how to become more conscious, aware and evolved, we will fail to evolve as a species.
We are far too special not to hold the gift of our existence in a place of honor and hope. It is time to be who God/Spirit intended us to be.
To your brilliance unfolding with loving,
Keep Imagining Something Better
Comments? As always, would love to hear from you!