A new practice equals a newer you!!

Recognizing that you already are a spiritual being requires a shift in your way of being. Knowing what you want or wanting to know more about what you want and then making a soulful commitment to whatever comes up to take you there requires trust.  It also gives permission for you to tap into your adventurous side which for the most part has remained ready and waiting for you to simply say “Yes, more please!”

Change is a great creator that opens one up to experiencing more of a meaningful life while discovering new things about who you were intended to be in this lifetime.  This is simply wonderful.

Though it isn’t an effortless process and not the way you may have been used to getting what you long for, you will soon recognize that there is a benefit to riding this wave.

Out of this new practice you may find that you are becoming more emotionally empowered; braver, more willing to take risks, demanding to be heard and loving the idea of feeling more valuable!   The title of becoming a Creative Being utilizing the sources from you higher Self and eventually aligns with all facets of your life, without hesitation…just like breathing!

Along this journey you will soon start to recognize what practices and disciplines are necessary to keep growing and learning.  Seeking teachers, education, reading everything that comes your way regarding self-growth; researching articles and videos via YouTube and Google using key words like empowerment, Spirit, higher consciousness, trust, wisdom, love, accountability, awareness, passion, souls’ purpose, authenticity can be super helpful.

Having a clearer, open mind is important on this journey and can be achieved through meditation techniques that will become primary as you sense your way through thoughts and feelings of fear and imprinted past experiences. With determination to keep these feelings at an all-time low you can practice creating a new more positive perspective in order realize why something had to be a certain way in order to start seeing life for the first time with new eyes full of childlike wonder.

There is so much good out there on this big beautiful planet however in our world as it is today we must learn to take charge, dive deeper in order to decipher what is real for us and what narrative we are being fed to believe. 

As you concede to the exciting and unfamiliar nudging inside that is coming from the core of your loving Self just the idea of making a choice all on your own, is key to inspiration in living your life bigger, better, and brilliantly.

This is commitment to Self (with the capital “S”) then trusting what you hear in your gut or solar plexus or intuitive place lodged inside and always awaiting your acknowledgment.

So, you have it now, right?  Here are 6 steps to help you on this new path.

1.    Willingness to welcome change.

2.    Willingness to accept that things may get a bit uncomfortable at first but that’s part of the practice so you commit to recognizing its numerous advantages.

3.    Willingness to accept ‘what is’ and learn to let go of the old process of getting blood out of a stone.

4.    Willingness to open to a world of possibilities.

5.    Willingness to be exciting about making conscious choices and allow the chips to fall where they may.

6.    Lastly…breathe, commit, surrender and repeat.

To your brilliance unfolding,


P.S. Please leave me some comments below. Would love to hear from you!

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