THEM: “Knock knock!”

YOU: “Who’s there?”

THEM: “Us…Trouble, Anguish, Worry, Anxiety, Sadness…”

YOU: “Oh good grief.  You again!  Well, go away.  I’m having a good day and I don’t want to think about you and what you represent right now. I’m fine so just leave me alone!”

THEM: “Humm, if it was up to us we would go…happily.   However, you are not doing your ‘homework and we’re tired of reminding you and others that they have to get their acts together! Unless you all work on these issues you are just going to keep accumulating more gunk.”    

YOU: “Well, today as I said is not a good day and I will take care of this stuff later, when I have the time.  So, Goodbye!”

THEM: “Ahh, if it was only that easy.  Well, my friend, it just doesn’t work like that and wouldn’t it be nice if it did?  By the way while we’re here we have noticed that there is something amiss which is a big obstacle in your life.  You keep procrastinating.

Unless you commit to cleaning up the mess that is causing you these feelings/us I have to keep showing up to remind you.”

YOU: “Okay look.  I did that seminar you told me about on how to commit to something;  I started doing a meditation practice;  I got my journal…it’s full of pages with hearts and flowers and wonderful affirmations  you told me to get something pretty to write in so I did), I work on watching what I say and if it’s negative in any way I remember to reframe;  and I wrote some affirmations to post (have to find where I put them); I’m listening more whole-heartedly when having conversations; etc. 

See, I am committed! And I’m doing my Best!”

THEM: “Your Best?  Humm, I’d give that some more thought.  We know you have already done your best and that Best is done and gone.  You need to be striving for your new Best and I’m not so sure I’m getting that vibe that you are trying hard enough.    However, before we get the band to play on your behalf may we look at these supposed ‘wins’ for a minute?”

YOU: “Argg…since you are here let’s get this out of the way.  Go ahead.”

FEELINGS: “Okay, here we go…”

1.  What have you learned about commitment?

2.  How often are you meditating and how are you finding this practice to be for you?

3.  Happy your journal is pretty etc.  Are you writing regularly?

4.  Is the reframing process becoming automatic or is it something that you remember to do here and there?

5.  I suggested you put your affirmations someplace where you can see them daily.  (You said you don’t know where they are).

6.  Are you finding your listening skills improving?”

YOU: “Alright you got me.  I appreciate the reminder.  What if I promise to start working harder by writing about following through with my intentions in my journal tonight?”

FEELINGS: “So you chose journaling?  If you really want to journal then commit to it.  We will feel if you are being truthful.  And if you don’t journal because it’s not the right time we will know that also!  It’s okay but just choose something and see it through.  We’ll help.”

YOU: “That seems fair. But I still feel that this kind of learning is hard work.  Whoops, not ‘hard’ but challenging and sometimes hurts my heart.”

THEM: “Good catch on the reframe!  And I know it feels like your heart is hurting but is it really or is that just a thought?  We have shared with you to look at discomfort as a learning and not as something to avoid and pick at here and there. Nor to hurt you!!  

Your heart is your hero.  It has all the love and strength and other amazing features that will always protect you.  Learning is easy if you want it to be and a drudgery if you don’t.  Working on getting your life into a much better place can be easy or can be a drudgery?  It’s up to how you tell your mind to proceed.”

YOU: “I get what you have been telling me and you know something, I’m going to be more mindful as to my intentions as I want to learn, I want to be more purposeful and become the more enhanced version of me.  Really, I do!” 

THEM: “Good to hear.  Then our work here is done for now.  However, we may slip in and out just to check up and see how you are doing and how you handle our visit which we hope will become less and less as time goes on.”

YOU: “I intend to do better…for all of us.  Thank you for your visit.  Now, to get into the loving of me and following through!” 

To your brilliance unfolding and your rise to honoring intentions,


PS. Leave me your comments below, would love to hear from you!

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