It's all about the hair

I have a girlfriend who is my biggest fan…she reads my blogs every week and comments on them.  The other day Barbara (that’s her name) asked me how I keep coming up with content and I told her that it just comes to me and that there is a new story or stories we can talk about every day and tie them into our life as a metaphor.

Today a friend of mine had a brunch for me as a belated birthday celebration.  He lives in a charming guest house with a beautiful back yard that is bigger than the house which he tends to with loving care.  He also has about 15 chickens and a few ducks with the funniest hairdos!  With the help of Google I found out that the pompadour is caused by a genetic mutation to the skull which I know a few of my friends would love to trade for their baldness.

The big smile and loving giggle that these two crestin pekin ducks brought to me was priceless and warmed my heart.  As they quacked and chatted to each other and swam in their pool and retreated to their living quarters that they share with the chickens…ah, to live a small, unique carefree life, I thought about how little it takes to make one happy.  And I think the answer is about not what one wants but what one needs to feel safe and contented.

Though I know it is a bit silly to make a comparison between a duck and a human but when stripped of all the pomp and circumstance that humans say that they need…and it’s usually more of something…it doesn’t seem to make us more happy but more anxious and dissatisfied.


What is it that we really need not want to have a fulfilling life?  Water, shelter, food, money and love. 

Inherent to wanting more is the feeling of not having enough…a sense of lack which in most cases is not true!  Giving pause to the things we already have can not only bring more gratitude into our lives but more happiness.  Constantly riding the merry-go-round in search of the brass ring of which there are no more  but of course we want what we want when we want it. 

The results of this experience will usually find us in upset-ness and feel that we have been slighted. Is this the essence of a fulfilling life? In this plexing haven’t we missed the fun of the ride? The idea of walking away “empty” handed has given us a boring, neegative made up story to share and not anything about what this ride was really all about at a heart level. 

I love shopping…I love buying new things but if I had to (make a decision as to whether I live my life with what I already have over living a life full of feeling grateful and fulfilled every day I would choose the latter.) live the rest of my life with what I already have I would have to readjust my beliefs. 

Yes, initially I would find myself frantically running to get back on the merry-go-round and ride it to hell and back looking for that brass ring. But I know me.  I would eventually unpeel myself off the wall where shock has me attached by Velcro and ask myself, “What is it I am to learn from this?”  Eventually I would arrive at the only answer I have always found that resolves complex issues. 

“I am meant to learn from this experience and find the brass ring inside of me emanating from a place of loving.”  

Being faced with a reality of learning to live in a world of “enough already” is bringing in an opportunity to reassess the concept of what it means to be in the present moment and a place where we recognize gratefulness. And when we are in the space there is no need of wanting more because what we have is complete.  

The life of a pekin duck living amongst chickens and strutting it’s hair-do unknowingly bringing joy to all who are there to behold is a simple divine moment. Our leaning in to ponder the gift of these moments…of who we are and how we show up everyday with our loving selves making those around us smile and giggle may be the next discovery we make in order to learn how to live a more fulfilling life. 

And an opportunity to change our hair style while we are at it!!

Quack, quack!!

To your loving Self getting the message,


P.S. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:  Starting this Friday at 11 am PDT and every Friday going forward I will be co- hosting a podcast with a financial advisor and good friend Charlie Lowe called IMAGINE SOMETHING BETTER:  FROM THE INSIDE OUT TO THE OUTSIDE IN.


The first half hour will be our daily chat; me on life’s experiences and how we find out best selves…life coaching stuff and Charlie answering those challenging questions and sharing her 25 years of expertise about investing and understanding what it means for all of us to learn to be comfortable with money. The last 30 minutes will be left for your questions!

We aren’t sure how this program will unfold and please forgive any first-timer hiccups (argg, technology) but know that our intention will always be holding your best interest at heart and your importance in this very challenging world as our reason for being with you!

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