Cats love boxes
How much money is too much money to spend on cat toys? There can be no limit, right?
Every time I go to a pet supply store I venture down the cat toy aisle which amounts to just one vs the aisle after aisle of dog treats, toys and various goodies. Sheesh!
But for felines there is very little available and we know if we are cat lovers/owners that it’s a crap shoot as to whether whatever we buy they are going to use or not.
Aluminum foil balls is one of the sure-fired treats for my younger cat, Willow and I have thousands of them. I just don’t know where they all are! Cats are masterful at hiding things and once they are gone, they are simply gone. I’m thinking of taking Willow on the road or offering her up for a Saturday night at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles. If I could only get her to focus she would be a hit!
Talking about magic as a noun is giving your cat a box. OmGosh it’s a win win because you get to receive your goodies and to give back and oh how they love the cardboard mystery. An extra treat is to cut a hole in the side so that they don’t have to get up to look out into their world but simply roll over after a most comfortable and safe sleep in their momentary cardboard castle and look out.
And isn’t that what humans do except that their box is a metaphor for living in a box they have created in their head for most of their life? Cats are so much better at moving on and that box where they are lounging will within days or at the most, 3 months be a thing of the past.
There are boxes like the cardboard ones of which I am speaking and then there are the ones that we build for ourselves…our castle, our safety net, our incarceration so to speak.
Last night I was watching a new HBO series called EDGE OF THE EARTH where professional athletes take on climbing, surfing, kayaking and snowboarding/skiing terrain never before touched by human beings and the end result of all…’Dreams came true’.
Now, I’m one who doesn’t and won’t own that kind of gene in my body in this lifetime but it definitely gave me pause to ask myself when there are hopes, dreams and desires that I want to attempt and conquer why do I stay in my box?
Is time going fast and is it really as short as it seems? Good grief I just put the trash cans out on the street yesterday and it’s already time to do it again (silly analogy but still it’s a fact that makes me think “What the hell happened to this last week?”
So, is there frustration about what to do about next steps in order to find whatever the fulfillment gene is in my lifetime now before the next trash pickup?
I have been using these three first steps in order to move forward and I have posted on my mirror to remind myself daily:
1. Visualize your personal box. What does it look like? Is it dark, small, confining, pretty, safe, accessible? What is in there that keeps me stuck? Since I can, what about it do I want to take with me when I decide to venture out and what am you good with to leave behind? What does my new bigger and more fascinating box look like?
2. List the things that you have always wanted to do. Make the list as long as it needs to be or maybe there is just this one really important thing that is itching for recognition and for you to act upon.
3. Be willing to say YES to whatever it is that strikes your fancy and give yourself an actual time to start your moving out day. Don’t make the date too far away as you have a tendency to procrastinate on new projects that are left up to me, alone to schedule into your “busy” schedules.
4. Be ready to celebrate putting the tail on donkey and hear the applause of those who support and love you!
Remember it’s all doable, whatever it is you decide to do. And you don’t have to reach the top of the mountain on your first try but using baby steps is the key to driving oneself to a successful outcome.
Lastly, have fun creating this new adventure…this new box. Getting out of our old Selves of over-used habits and opening up to the excitement of what could be is key to being able to say with our last breath this time around…” I did it all and I’m ready for more!”
To your brilliance unfolding with love,
P.S. What are your thoughts on this? Would love to hear from you! As always, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.