Long lived the Queen

Bittersweet tears and enormous gratitude for everything she stood for and emulated such grace, humility, predictability, steadfastness.  All the drama in her 96 years yet she was stoic and delivered herself with dignity.

Maybe this was the reason millions of people tuned in to the funeral procession because all of the qualities she emulated are what a lot of us wish we could exercise in a single moment.

I asked a friend today where do you think Elizabeth is now?  I am to understand, and hope is true that when our spirit leaves our body that we either descend to Heaven and renew our conversations with God, face to face…or that our soul goes to a different dimension, and we hang out there with not a care or that we go back to where we originated...energy.

One thing we could probably bet on is that she can cross royalty off her to do!   

Predictability sometimes has a bad rap like” Oh you are so predictable” is usually delivered with a sarcastic slant however the Queens’ predictability was refreshing and had a calming effect. 

Always the fashionista from colorful suits, lapel pin, sweet little matching hat and same style and color purse (which she used as code to help her out of different scenarios like when the purse is put on the floor she wants her lady in waiting to get her out of there and I was always told that to put a purse on the floor meant a disregard for money…well, not so much a worry for Elizabeth!

No drama?  Money and fame cannot buy you love or omit drama however I am pretty sure that the world at her beckon call was FULL of drama the likes of which most of us would never imagine. However, we never knew because she was always poised to be only clear, concise and even toned when delivering any speeches or when she was out and about.  

And wouldn’t that be a treat for all of us that the drama that is in our lives daily stayed with us.

So, what was the Queen to me?  She felt like the safety of “home” and made me feel everything was going to be okay even if I knew that things were pretty sticky.

She exuded the qualities we all talk about having to make use into kinder more normal and loving people.  Whether she was that way down to her bones she successfully represented all of these qualities and more and isn’t that what we all really want in our lives?  Did she really feel this way or was she really good at simply giving us the gift of loving kindness to show us that it is possible.

She was a Queen…just think of that!  In my dreams when growing up I only asked to know that I was a princess in another life.  But not a Queen.  Did I not feel worthy enough to dream that big?

There is only one life this time around and I think she did a fantastic job at executing the cards that she was dealt so beautifully.

Here is a Fun-to-Do!

Take a deep dive into looking at your cards and ask yourself if you are doing what is in front of you with grace, and grit.  Then think of what kind of send off would you like to plan for 20 years from now that you can sign off on today.

Write it all down…hone your unique and creative Self and once you come up with your first draft remember to Imagine Something Better when you finalize your dream.

Lastly, what did the Queen mean to you?  Comment below!

To your dreams and loving unfolding,  



Thanks for reading!

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