There's more to you that meets your mind
Stop what you are doing. Stop right in the middle of being in autopilot and ask yourself these questions:
1. Who am I when I am doing what I do?
2. What is important to me about me that I haven’t paid attention to?
3. Who and how do I want to be better?
4. What are the things in my past that have kept me from moving on from the sameness?
5. What am I doing to myself to talk myself out of what I really want to do?
6. What is/are my value(s)?
You have kids. You’re on autopilot. Who are you when you are taking on the daily ritual? Do you think about YOU in the scenario? Are you aware of your feelings and what you are enjoying/not enjoying about what you are doing? If you actually took a moment to think about YOU what would you say? What would you like to change/add/alter/renew?
Everyone is talking about the big “C” which used to be referred to when someone got cancer however today the elephant in the room is that it stands for “CHANGE” and although our life has always been about change and its consistency and reliability we have never been in such a state where the realness of its job is shifting our perspective…and you are reacting with not always with loving intention.
It's all about how you feel not what you think because you already have the repetitiveness down.
The game of life is changing and it’s up to us to become more aware of who we are and what we must to stay steady, stressless, educated, aware, kinder, more loving.
If you are leaning into an issue that is causing unkindness to wreak havoc then it’s not about that issue…it’s about your past stuff and it’s time to learn responsibility and clean up you sh*t because it doesn’t and will never serve you.
However, I’m not sure people are getting this message and due to habit are still holding on to the idea that the “people in charge” will fix things and we can go back to operating with wide-open stares.
Please understand this simply concept…it’s your turn to turn your life around. Now take a moment and answer those questions I posed at the beginning. You may be surprised if answered with a bit of time and introspection how enlightening your answers will be!
To much more of your brilliance unfolding,
Let me know your thoughts! As always, I am at your service and would love to hear from you.