Forget the quick fix and hire a life coach!

Not being honest with ourselves creates an illusion that surprises us when the results show up a bit askew. And let’s be truthful here.  We all are looking for quick fixes but may not have the slightest idea what this means because we haven’t been honest with who we think we know ourselves to be!  And it is from there or here that the work that is involved to make-way for a successful outcome appears. 

With social media at our beckon call we assume that reading about people who are dancing in the lime-light have had it very easy in achieving spontaneous notoriety. But delving a little deeper by not just by flipping thru our cell phone window we find out that with most success stories comes years and years of highs, lows and lots of mental anguish, commitment, and determination.

So if you honestly think there is a quick fix in solving a problem that you are faced with you have some important inner work to do.  Ask yourself right now, “Can I continue to live in dream land with social media as my mentor or is it time to put the work in and get some outside help?   

Once you have taken a realistic view and internal check list of to-do’s you may be ready to have an extra pair of eyes and ears to help you decipher where your obstacles lie and how to make your life path look more like the clear shot to freedom. 

There are many spokes on the wheel that show up when you start getting down to the nitty gritty of who and what you want, see and desire and a quick fix is a poor effort at fixing a challenge, which usually leads to bigger problems that could have been easily avoided by doing the job right the first time.

So if you are strong-willed and energized enough it’s time to look into getting a set of outside ears and eyes to help you along the way.  One way to do this to by considering hiring a life coach.

There is a story I read about a doctor with a stellar reputation who had been a very successful surgeon for 12 years.  He was getting bored and considering shifting out of surgery into research but was having a tough time letting go of the old, comfortable way of doing his life.

He decided to coax his professor from med school out of retirement and ask for his assistance on critiquing his work in operating room.

After 6 weeks of observation and many, many notes written on yellow 8 and ½ by 11 inch pad, a face to face took place.  And what the professor found were small nuances but so important; like how the surgeon positioned his body or was using the operating light which when corrected would save him seconds; and in surgery could mean saving someone’s life.   

The clarity and excitement of challenging his mind while being supported with someone else’s eyes continues today and the spokes on his wheel of personal expansion has led him to not only accept the ongoing help by his “coach” but asking and observing his colleagues to gather ideas of how to keep perfecting his craft.

Coaches are not teachers but then again we are.  We give our clients support which helps them with learning How-To and then start living their life with more confidence.  We use our Santa Claus bag chock full of tips, techniques and stories and then watch/wait and guide as we both see what lands for what they want to really do themselves…what fits for them as one size doesn’t…(well you know the rest). But the goal is for the client to see a bit more clearly and lean into a more honest, attainable and do-able direction…and then Just Do It!

This time in our global society can be very confusing and a coach may be just the ticket to help you ease the anxiety of your “What’s next” in your circle of life.

Remember no one said you have to do this life by yourself! 

Many blessings,


A suggestion? Let me know in the comments below. If I can be of service to your growth in all facets of life going forward, write to me!  I’m here for you!    

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