What's the special on the narrative menu today!?

I believe I can safely assume that we are all getting tired of the way the old narrative menu is reading.  Same old same old to the point that we are starting to search elsewhere for something new that is inspiring, uplifting, joyful, optimistic, and savory!  Yay for us!!

So where do we go from here?  I say we go inside.

On the old menu we’ve tried everything, and we’ve come to the fork in the road (oh look, a unintentional pun!) when what we used to deem “perfect” is not to be found here anymore.  Of course, we know that there is no such thing as a ‘perfect anything’ however we still wish for our world to be full of what we deem to be perfect.  What we forget or don’t recognize are those moments throughout our day that are perfect-moments and if we insist on reading off of the old menu we will miss a fabulous journey of lovely nuggets…we will continue to miss the moments.

We recently witnessed or heard about an idealized person who recently goofed…and it was really a perfect goof.   One minute we were enamored with the perception of perfection and the next we were siding with the pitchfork people and the Red Queen leading the brigade chanting “Off with his head!”

Social media comments turned on a dime and understanding that there may have been an underlying reason for this to happen went out the window.   People said a lot of very cruel things.  Their outbursts were hard to hear not only because they were having us relive an unpleasant incident, but they unknowingly were projecting their own inner darkness.  If they were commenting from a loving place with a clear understanding of who they are this kind of unkindness wouldn’t even exist.   

We are crushed when we see our idealized image prove otherwise, like being human, and we blame them for ruining our perception of perfection. But it needn’t ruin anything and using this scenario as a teaching moment we have the opportunity to remind us that unless we live in that other person’s body/life; unless we are standing over experiencing the perfect flower dying moment by moment, the only truth is the one that allows us to stop listening to the narrative and listen deeply from the depth of our core…our loving Self.

If we allow ourselves to actually open up and explore who we are we just may acquire a new tool that allows us to be more readily available to experience the perfect moments in our life with the gratitude and spend less time casting calumnies on things that go one outside of us and are out of our control. 

Stop, look and listen to your truth and stop being led by rumors, negativity, unkindness and other people’s vision of their dreams. 

Our own authentic perfection of what “IS” the real truth and already lives inside all of us.  It’s time to get to know it.  It’s time to get to know you. 

To your brilliance unfolding with love,


PS. Would love to hear from you! Leave comments below and let me know your thoughts!

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