Have you ever thought about all of the adages accumulated over hundreds of years that are still here and no one so far has made a declaration to have them pulled from libraries? Many of these sayings have a negative connotation and yet there are people in ‘power’ who are out there trying to take history away from us because of their fears of their perception, striving to be in control of us;  operating on their opinions only.

Think of some simple and seemingly ineffectual sayings like:

*When it rains it pours…

*Life’s a bitch and then you die…

*Misery loves company…

*The grass is always greener…

I question if we are being led down a path to believe that fear is bad and that if it keeps us small then we are to accept that “they” want us to stay in this state of feeling unempowered and insecure.

To me fear is not the culprit but the perception of what it has been made to believe, is. How it is expressed and orchestrated around us is the scary part.  Fear or as is expressed ‘false evidence appearing real” is as real as your imagination wants to make it; as negative as your mind wants to make it; is the perpetrator that keeps us feeling less than or small.

However, it’s only a word. The power available within each and every one of us can be used to change its meaning/the feeling; to reverse action on our behalf and create a more positive and beneficial outcome.

Fear can create a positive environment resulting in helping you with:

·      Heightened awareness

·      Clearer focus and concentration

·      Creating better choices

·      Breaking through the mundane and learning how to take risks

·      Dissecting extremes and removing self-inflicted barriers

·      Showing us how multi-dimensional we really are

However, without an understanding that there is always ‘another way’ many of us allow the textbook meaning of fear ie. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat” to run our life.” We are masterful at creating a narrative of fear within a nano-second and we cling to it like white on rice.  Getting caught in this made-up vortex disallows us to think otherwise.

How many of us have spent too many hours/days worried with fear only to find out that most of what we put ourselves through was for not.  We got all wrapped up in a hermetically sealed box of negativity making us blind to more graceful possibility. disallowing our own ability to find another box full of possibility.

By taking hold of your God given ability to expand and grow you can start by thinking out of the box and imagining something better.  Giving your past behaviors a new slant by training your mind-voice to default into a new way of being may show you a new world with a more expansive and well-intentioned lifestyle.

~To change is to think greater than how we feel. ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza

Here’s to your brilliance unfolding moment to moment,



Marilyn Snyder has been working in the healing arts for over 45 years. Marilyn is uniquely suited to helping people overcome emotional, physical, and behavioral barriers to their growth because of her understanding, her intuitive skills, and her deep passion for truth. She is committed to assisting clients to recognize the special gifts each of us has and empowering them to participate in their healing.


·       Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist

·       Registered Polarity Practitioner

·       Cranial Sacral Therapist

·       Somatic Trauma Therapist

·       Natural Intuitive

·       Advanced Remote Viewer

·       Therapeutic Bodyworker

·       Reiki Practitioner

·       Extensive experience and training working with traditional indigenous healers.

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