Embrace the Challenge

Embrace the Challenge

Each one of us has a responsibility to our Selves to step up and live our life by fulfilling our hopes, dreams, and desires. No one, absolutely no one besides us has the power to make us live anything but the life we choose. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Never give it.”

“Well said, Eleanor!”  Many of us have had difficulty grasping this simple concept possibly because we have never been guided by a mentor, an article that grabbed our attention, a conversation at lunch, a passing conversation where you heard that “something” that perked our interest to go deeper or simply given pause to the idea that we are capable of so much more.

We are all living the life we have chosen at this very moment. And we have learned to carefully craft excuses as to why we’ve stayed trapped in a job we hate or an unfulfilling relationship with no way out, etc. But there is great news because there is always a choice to change our perspective at any age.  It just depends on how badly we want to live our dreams.

There are many options as to how to get over our old way of ‘doing’ and start a life of being fully present to choose from and there is one that is a right fit for you. Once you get on to this “bandwagon” of being determined to find your way the Universe will help to guide you.  It is at this time when you are being authentic with your new goals that you will become more aware as you find and yes, discover who you are at a much more fulfilling and deeply wonderful level.
Question: Tick, tick, tick. With time rushing on by us, how can we afford to waste a moment in delaying our decisions that will better our lives? Write it down.

Here’s a good question, what are we willing to give up and how far are you willing to go to make a change? (Write your answer down now).

Upheaval/change isn’t always straightforward, but it is easier when it’s your choice.   The results can mean overwhelming success and even incomprehensible happiness. This being said, the act of pursuing our hearts’ desire is really more significant than we could ever have imagined and the coolest part is that the power to do it belongs to each and every one of us.

Fulfilling our true desires is the greatest form of empowerment and because it requires us to be completely honest with ourselves making ourselves utterly vulnerable, the rewards are equal to the risk and the journey is one that we came to experience in this lifetime.

Above is an updated excerpt from my book Over 40 Fit and Fab. If you like what I am sharing you can scroll down and download the entire book today!

Always here to cheer you on as your brilliance unfolds,


P.S. Btw, this is worth mentioning. The event I attended was for an organization called Tomorrow’s Women which was co-founded in 2003 by humanitarian Rachel Kaufman, artist/filmmaker Debra Sugerman, and peace activist/writer Anael Harpaz. These women believed that the decades of violence and conflict between Palestinians and Israelis would never end if left to politicians and governments, and felt that empowered young women had the greatest chance of creating peace in their countries. 

Me along with two great new friends who have been involved with this organization for 10 years got to chaperone 16 young women between the ages of 15 to 17 years old; half from Palestine and the other half from Israel for 6 hours while their house facilitators (what they now call themselves) got to go into town for dinner and to decompress.

Another plus for me was to have a coaching session with a lovely 17-year-old Israeli woman who wanted to know what to do about her boyfriend who was going into the army in 3 months for 4 years which segued into a whole hour session and not just about the boyfriend.  What an interesting and heartwarming experience and gift for me as well as her. 

In just a small amount of time we shifted each other lives just a little more!

P.P.S. Jude Luttrell coaches with full-on wisdom and enthusiasm. She is a weekly blogger whose articles can be found on her website, www.coachingtothecore.com. Videos about empowerment, awareness, creating a better life and tips on clothing and makeup... you name it can be found on her daily TikTok and IG page. Jude is a writer and a published author, an ordained minister, a graduate of the University of Santa Monica with certifications in Consciousness, Heath and Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Soul Centered Life Coaching, a 50-year meditator in TM and Mindfulness and a Breast Cancer Survivor.

To find out more and join in with others striving to be their BEST and Imagine Something Better, click here to sign up for weekly blogs, ask questions and be in the know of future programs on the horizon. 

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