“It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it.” -Somerset Maugham

In 1999 I broke up with a man whom I had dated for 7 months. Looking back, it was the first time in my adult life when I realized that my happiness was more important than being in a relationship and trying to make something work that had no possibility of working.

I had always had a boyfriend from the time I was 7 playing spin the bottle in my parents’ garage. Things in my life came pretty easy for me and the idea of working for and towards them, planning/creating things never had occurred to me until this time.

This is me.  A little late to the party but never let that deter me.

At this same time the breakup happened I developed a clear sense of time flying by more quickly than ever before.  While everyone around me was getting married and having babies and even divorcing my head was being asked to get out of the clouds.  The answer that was shouting at me was to put myself into therapy which was something else I had never entertained.  Running my romantic relationships the same way I had always done from the beginning of my dating life, giving me the same empty results was actually confounding.

I saw quite as clearly as a beautiful spring day that I was venturing into a much different mission, one in which I sensed was not going to be recognizable but a “have to.”

My leading question was what problems were keeping me from being able to have the kind of relationship I had always wanted and desired. Identifying and coming up against the invisible walls I had built and then learn to flush out any old beliefs that were lurking in my subconscious were being written by a skywriter for me to see.  

I had no idea that these particular issues had been all wrapped up with a bow and tossed in the back of my closet waiting for me to wake up.  And even though it wasn’t the kind of present I had been used to getting I knew it was one of the most important ones I had ever received.

This is part one of a series about self-growth, consciousness and awareness that happened to me and that keeps nudging away at my core.   There is still so much to learn about myself and I’m no different than most people who finally wake up and come to terms with this precious life that we only get one chance, at least in this body, to make our time here count. 

Come with me on this journey and share with me and others about your moments of pure awareness and the challenge of bringing our God-given alignment back into our hearts where it originally started. 

It’s all good. It’s all absolutely designed for success.  It’s as perfect as we can get to doing our life authentically with love as our teacher.

To your brilliance unfolding,

With love,


P.S.  Please add your remarks below and if in the form of a question I will get back to you within 48 hours.

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