Beware the experts

In the 17th Century, the proverb “hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil” was popularized as a pictorial Shinto maxim, carved in a famous Shinto shrine in Japan. The three wise monkeys illustrated the idea of protecting one’s self from unsavory or challenging behavior, thought or language.

I wonder why we don’t see more of these monkey images around today?

In a book called Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss she speaks about the energy chakras in the body.  There are 7 of them starting from the root chakra which is located in the sacrum area.  The meaning behind this first chakra is of a tribal consciousness and collective willpower connecting us by absorbing energy from the tribal interactions. The code of behavior of the tribe is a guide to the development of dignity and belonging.

Our personalities are being formed from the get-go as little humans.  Opinions and beliefs come from parents, grandparents, mentors, etc. and with our clear, uncluttered minds we perceive these very ‘special beings’ as people to believe because they feed us, kiss us, bathe us, protect us and mirror all that we know at this young age to be true. Unconditional Love. 

The repetitive behaviors from these humans impersonating experts, appear to show us what true authentic love is.  But alas, this innate sense of what once originated as organic-knowing, gets buried with unconscious guidance from our expert’s principles on life. This may be good and maybe not so good. 

Some of us too never get out of the tribe mentality. Whether we are aware of it or not we continue to speak the same ‘language’ with the same line of projections and inflections until we no longer have a real concept of what we actually believe or who we really are. 

Scientists have found that cognitive trip-ups in our evolvement allows for more opportunity to create division and our mind may stay totally unaware to interpret what could create conflict.

I believe in today’s climate we must learn how to be more mentally agile, more introspective and move away from the tribe to find our real selves.

Now, take the internet…please, really take it!  Arrg. 

What I feel the internet can do is help those who post incessantly about the same issue over and over make what they are saying ‘real’ and in an obtuse way turns this person into an expert.  Redundancy gets you to buy a product but it’s not necessarily the best or most effective product.

So like the internet and tribal root chakra people, both are creating contradictions; bringing people together and at the same time pulling them apart.

Scenario:  a couple go into an open house and fall in love with it.  They are ready to sign on the dotted and have the realtor write up the offer.

That night this couple goes to a dinner party and sure enough there’s a real estate “internet expert” that pontificates all the perceived pit-falls of this transaction and talk the couple out of buying the house that they love so much, filling their tribal heads with such a mishegosh that the “real expert,” the realtor, can intuitively sense with their years of real expertise that this deal could easily result in a shit-show.

Experts in today’s world are not being sought out for their knowledge.  Let’s call them ‘Hank’ who are constantly posting about stuff they haven’t fully researched and keep repeating the same message as I said before. And what does the tribe do but to dance around and fuel the fires by ‘Sharing’ and ‘Reposting’ and never doing their research but simply listening to the voices that sound very much like their original mentors.

Maybe it’s time to take a pause, relax into oneself and experience answers that are invariably found in the silence.  This is one of the many cool outcomes that a meditation practice can bring to you!   However, if not meditation then what can you do to help recalibrate your thoughts so that they sweetly align to the real you and not the chaos that has invaded our lives like aliens in War of the Worlds?    

If this is where you find yourself today, commit to practicing the art of getting to know yourself at a different level of consciousness and verbal repetition.  Ask questions that don’t fall into your regular daily dissertation. An example: You already what colors look good on you or what style best fits your personality and body but have you ever asked why?  Why do I like this?  How does this color make me feel when I wear it, see it? Why do I gravitate towards florals vs black?  Why do I keep my hair long/short/this color?

When you pivot even the tiniest bit each day and learn to pay attention to the answers that come up from your quiet space, you may find yourself getting clearer as to what you personally like and don’t like; what you believe and what you don’t.   

And as time goes on you may also find that you are happier and more confident about being able to discern the difference between some of the tribal thinking that no longer works for you and opt for free-form thinking where you become the expert of yourself.  From this core place of being, the sky is the limit!

While we cover our eyes, ears and mouth and turn from life wishing for the days gone by remember this quote from blogger Mark Mason:  “The smartest are those who don’t know a lot but are able to discern the good from the bad-the useful from the useless.”

And to this I add, the evil from the virtuous.

Wishing you the best day ever, always!

To your brilliance unfolding,


P.S.  Have you looked into signing up for my FREE 30 Breakthrough Session?  There are a few more times available so click here and schedule one now before this offer goes away!

Jude Luttrell