Surrender Dorothy

What would have happened if Dorothy had crumpled under the spell of the wicked witch and actually surrendered to her?  The scarecrow would be dust, the tin woodsman would be in a dumpster along with other rusted metal, the lion would be cowering in the corner of the jungle only venturing out for take-out, Dorothy would be maid/servant/slave to the witch and Toto... well let’s not go there!

But she didn’t succumb to the witches demands and surrender out of integrity because she was scared.  She stayed focus/kept her eye on her destination accepting the twists and turns that came up along the way.  She knew in her heart what she had to accomplish and chose to do anything it took to achieve an outcome that aligned with her hopes and dreams.  To be home with Auntie Em and Uncle Henry was a commitment unlike any she had experienced in her young life.

Now, think of the wisdom she acquired while on this journey. Looking back do you think she would she have changed any of this?  Would you?

Surrendering to something your really want is not necessarily an easy fete. We spend so much of our day operating from our head with our thoughts and so many stories whether ours or ones that we have made to be our own.  But the full power and thrust of this surrendering process doesn’t live in the mind.  Oh sure, you may think you have a hold of it because you find the words and articulate them out loud but that is not where surrender resides.  It lives and breathes in your heart where you simply “just know” what is right.

Surrender is not a thinking word but a feeling experience.

I got to experience the full energy of surrender when my mom was dying.  I lived 40 miles away from her and it was almost a weekly experience of driving the Los Angeles 405 freeway south to Orange County to the hospital or nursing rehab between having a full-time job.

One day when I was at my wits end, chugging along at rush hour traffic I conceded to letting go and letting God take over. I saw a nervous breakdown looming on the horizon and knew that I simply could no longer do this alone. 

Yes, she had a caretaker, but this was my mom…my life source that I was responsible for and I had to be there in person to oversee her care.  (And yes, I do have a bit of that controlling factor in my behavior which compounded the weight that was driving me down into an abyss).

So in my car I had an out loud conversation with God.  I asked that he/she take over because I had done all that I could do and I was falling apart.  I was completely fine with God taking the lead and I also made a point of saying that if mom did not get better that I rested with the fact that whatever transpired I was good with it.

I had no idea what this would all look but at that moment when I put a period at the end of the sentence and breathed out the stress that had consumed my entire body for so many months, I got to experience deep within me that it didn’t matter what the next steps would be.  I trusted that God had my back and all was well.

And as this story goes on everything from the moment I stepped out of my car in the hospital parking lot and walked into my mom’s room it was like the clouds lifted, the sun came out, the birds were singing and I felt an overwhelming peace and resolve, one of which I was never aware of before, ever.

I have come once again realized that even though this time was incredibly profound and touched my heart in a big way it doesn’t mean I get an automatic free ride in creating a new tried and true behavior.   Just like everything we do in life more practice on a conscious level is necessary. 

So how does a person become a good steward to oneself in deepening trust and acceptance while integrating a new practice of letting go while living in this fast moving, convoluted, distrusting world of today?

Some pointers to remember while preparing to learn the art of Surrender:

·       Get to know yourself on an intimate level by slowing down and listening inside.

·       Take baby steps.  Ask God/Spirit/Universe for something simple and see what happens. Then move on to more.

·       Become aware of who you are. Close your eyes and repeat “Who am I” and keep asking until the answer satisfies you

·       Believe you are not alone and that helps awaits you just for the asking.

·       Open to gratitude and acceptance

·       Deepen your relationship with your loving heart

·       Pause/meditate daily

·       See it/feel it/taste it/smell it/know it and then anchor it like nothing else matters but your truth.

·       Never surrender to anything other than what you feel is right in your heart and soul.

 Even though we can be miserable in our situation it to many people this place feels more comfortable because it’s familiar. But once you get that first taste of what authentic surrender feels like I hope you never give up your quest for integration. 

Every one of us has multiple opportunities to live a full and joyful life by giving themselves a chance to dream and trust a bit more each day.  And what peace your entire body soon feels when you rest in a place of complete comfort because you now know that guidance can be found in a moments notice.  Just by asking for God/Spirit assistance you will find a new freedom; a new way of being. 

It is what you were created to do.  It is what you are worthy of.  Never forget that!

To your brilliance unfolding,


P.S.  Please join me, your Los Angeles life coach, and Roberta Kung for our most inspiring Zoom seminar September 15th and 17th from 5 pm to 6:15. Click here to sign up and reserve your space.  We are so excited to bring you this program and look forward to seeing you soon!

Jude Luttrell