What are you still waiting for?
If you are still frozen…
If you are still watching the news waiting for them to say something different…
If you are still getting upset over the people who think this virus is a hoax…
If you are still allowing yourself to have the kind of thinking “Well when this is over THEN I will do…”
If you are still of the mindset that things will GO BACK to the way things used to be…
If you are still not in touch with the idea that YOU HAVE TO BE THE CHANGE…
If you are still waiting for the WH to hold your hand and tell you that everything will be just fine…
If you are still stuck in the old mindset of allowing the world to dictate how your life is to be…
If you are still blaming people for upsetting your life…
If you are still waiting to be happy until something or other happens…
If any of these resonate then maybe, just maybe you are not taking advantage of this time to think out of the box and change up your life.
Take a moment, be introspective and see yourself in your minds eye looking back on what you have done/accomplished with this precious time you have been given over the past 6 months.
How did you utilize your time in the most effective and efficient way? Did you fine tune, create anew, explore how you really feel about how your life has been going up until now?
And then ask yourself from your heart/truth center:
1. Did I take advantage of this time on behalf of cleaning house in my busy mind?
2. Did I redesign/tidy up my perspective on life?
3. Was I being pro-active as to how I really want my life to look like going forward?
4. Did I choose to finally kick fear to the curb by taking that ‘other’ path at the fork in the road, the one that always seem ominous but you finally took it anyway?
5. Did I err on the side of optimism becoming a half-full kind of person?
I doubt that any of us wants to reflect back and discover we did nothing but wait for the world to happen to us and wonder why someone didn’t tell us what to do. “How did I miss a big opportunity to grow and why did I choose to stay small and seemingly safe! I have now added on a new issue with which to angst on top of all the other previous stuff that has been detouring my life for years!”
Why do you really think this virus is here? If you haven’t noticed our world is in a state of transformation and I personally believe the picture of this covid19 presence has a bigger message than blaming its inception on the birds and bats.
I feel that we are being asked to grow up and be a responsible, committed human race and stop ruining our home! We have been abusing our environment, being selfish and making it all about us; moving too quickly to get to the next item on our list as we neglect and deflect our own inner knowing that if given our attention would be telling us that this is not comfortable living after all; that this kind of running unconsciously while creating enormous stress is a catalyst for dis-ease in our body leading to an early grave; that it takes a village and a lot of times we have to get our hands dirty to help others less fortunate.
We absolutely must get a handle on the concept that we live in a world-wide community were we have to take care of everyone and this means getting out of our selfish selves and learn what it means to become a citizen of the world and not the microcosm of the small life many of us have been living.
This virus is here for possibly the long run so what are you waiting for? If you are feeling stuck then know that ONE, feeling stuck is only a feeling and TWO, you are in control of what you think so simply STOP thinking that way. This is an opportunity being put right on your plate to get out of the ego mind and come from a place of loving where fear cannot, will not and doesn’t live!
As you take charge and challenge old ideas you will soon observe inside just how, with a little bit of trust and commitment you can turn a problem into a solution and then you get to experience what its like to feel empowered because it is YOU who is making the choices.
Here is some food for thought:
· Question everything
· Ask for what you need vs what you want
· Think things through with a different mindset…work, what you eat and where it comes from, what you want to learn, who you want to be
· Look at a perceived problem as an opportunity for growth and awareness
· Get clear on your tomorrow by asking friends and family what ideas they have for themselves, what they see for you, what works for them and what doesn’t. BE curious and LISTEN.
· Grow
To your brilliance unfolding,
P.S. Tell me what you need and let me help you start to soar, NOW. Head to https://www.coachingtothecore.com/book and click on BOOK MY SESSION NOW! I provide life coaching in Los Angeles and beyond!