Exercise or bust!

The weather here in Los Angeles could not be cooperating better allowing us who live to go on walks to hoof it any time of the day.  Just like in the fable Goldilocks and The Three Bears when dealing with the idea of perfection I think at this time we are just looking for the ; “Not too hot, not too cold but just right” which is also a  rallying cry for equilibrium as we work to navigate thru this murky time.

I have found myself walking every day and wherever I can and with whom.   I get to breathe in what is new for us…fresh air… or at least a semblance of it thanks to less cars on the road and to do some one on one socializing with a friend…masked up, of course.

Oh, and the cherry on this cakewalk over the past 5 months is that I’ve lost weight and didn’t set out to do it!

In my 40’s to early 50’s I worked out voraciously.  I belonged to a gym where I went twice a week for step classes;  I had a trainer 2 times a week; took private pilates once a week, then I worked out a day on my own and Sunday I rested.  All of this and I had a full-time job.  Looking back I have no idea how I managed it all but I loved it so the concept of loving what you do is key!

Exercise has helped over my lifetime to endure a lot of mental stress while creating a discipline when it has come to being open to newer passions that have crossed my path to tackle like with the discipline it took to write a first book in a year!    

In today’s world we are being asked to pivot and realign our thinking when it comes to so many things but we won’t have access to them if we don’t take our health seriously. Keeping our immune system as primed as possible is one way the medical profession is informing us that will be helpful in keeping the doctor away.  Ah, and it used to be ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ but with the bedlam to our environment we no longer have those simple graces on which to totally rely.

With gyms closed the internet is chock full of classes to take online from yoga to dance to tai chi to weight training so not having enough to choose from shouldn’t be an issue.  However, if it is an issue then your mind needs to wrap around results in doing nothing.  Then once you give that a glance, focus in on the upside and proceed diligently in the name of saving your life!  

Falling into a phase of physical as well as mental deconditioning can create havoc on our body.  We get lethargic and depressed; we may be Carb-cravers so that doesn’t help with a healthy equation.  The management of mental health is vital to our overall well-being and exercise helps to cure a lot of this. 

The benefits of physical activity start at the top in our minds and work their way down through our amazing integral body system, contributing to our overall health and longevity. The extent to which you nurture your physical fitness has huge impact on your physical health and quality of life from mind/body/spirit. Blending all the best parts of you and having them all show up, front, center and accounted for in their divine progression is all that is needed here. So, check in with your body NOW and get it moving!

Some benefits of exercise:

·       A strong immune system leaves you less vulnerable to severe consequences

·       Management of mental vitality lends to overall well-being

·       Working out helps prevent weight gain and keeps a healthy mind/body attitude

·       Elimination of excess stress and tension and keeps the body oxygenated and supple.

·       Improvement in your sleep

·       Wards off bone loss

·       Gets you into a new energized zone full of fresh ideas and excitement.

Tips to help guide you on your new workout regime:

1.    Be consistent and get your head around your workout and what you need to do to get ready the day before so that you are mentally prepared

2.    Drink half of your body weight in water a day to stay hydrated.  I.e. 150 pounds equates to 75 oz. of water.  Don’t worry, you won’t drown.

3.    Grab some 3, 5 or 8 lb. weights and do muscle strengthening 3 x a week.  12 to 15 reps 3 times.

4.    Take the stairs whenever possible and if you can do 2 at a time. If not just take them the regular way.

5.    Walk your dog as much as you can.

6.    Dance, dance, dance.  Put on some great music and take yourself for a spin.  Don’t be surprised how fun it becomes and how good you feel afterwards!

7.    A good attitude and a little imagination will help you stay committed to taking care of yourself. Change things up when you feel yourself losing interest and set some mini goals along the way to help you stay on track.

Making a conscious and honorable decision when it comes to anything you decide to do in your life, especially now with our lives on a tightrope is key. And be assured that with commitment, patience, follow through and practice you are creating a positive charge behind a new idea.  So be excited about delving into changing up the health of your body because it is one of the best feelings ever!

To your brilliance unfolding,


P.S.  Sign up for my FREE 30 MINUTE BREAKTHROUGH SESSION by going to https://www.coachingtothecore.com/book NOW!! I can’t wait to be your life coach in Los Angeles.

Jude Luttrell