Revel in the energy to heal

Getting to the decision of moving out of state was taking up so much time and space in my head that I was getting aggravated with my incessant procrastination!

My astrological sign is Cancer and we are homebodies.  Our homes are our sanctuary and deliberately upsetting the apple cart is not high on our list.  Yet and still I just knew when I listened deep inside and being aware of the signs that I keep getting from the Universe, I had no choice but to start dipping my toe into a new adventure. Yes, and even with my underlying unwillingness to take that leap of faith that was still sitting in full regalia on the fence watching for me to falter I know that now is the time to move on.

When something in life is weighing you down, know that it is not only clogging up the space within us but around us as well. And if this isn’t enough we are also clogging up the rest of the world with this congestion. But we alone are not the only perpetrators in this deed. Collectively we all have a responsibility for doing causing this discomfort.

If everything in the universe is energy which we are a part of then know that we are sharing our congestion not only with those close to us but our energy field is wafting out into the world affecting everyone, every day, moment, second, nanosecond.

It may be hard to find the words to describe how we are feeling every morning since this pandemic emerged.  One day you may feel fine; the next though nothing new has transpired may seem sad; then there is angry, fearful, okay, etc. It looks the same outside when we peer out the window but wow, the unknown is the clincher.  The other morning I woke up in a foul mood for no apparent reason.  Ugg, I really hate these moments!  Nothing had changed from the day before so what the heck?  I had to stop myself from bounding through my home with heels down to watch the sweetness of my cats sparring and to take note that I was in charge of shifting my crankiness!

Take a pause and think about how energy moves and then imagine just how others may be feeling about our situation.  Multiply that by 70,000 thoughts that we humans make a day times 8 billion people and realize, “Of course!” We are being bombarded with a lot of energetic noise full of angst, fear, uncertainty and plexation. We are not just doing the expression of sending out energy but it’s coming at us a fast as flies on poop. 

But there is a big upside.  As we step up and choose to remove the energetic clutter that has kept us bound up and repressed by paying attention to the way we feel and how our feelings can best serve us going forward, as well as for others, we are instantly removing the dark energy that has been keeping our spirit in shackles.

Removing the negative space within us and replacing it with space that is healthy and purposeful is inviting the energy of the Universe to mirror back our wins. As we commit to continually reshape the world around us in a more optimistic fashion, as a result of conscious and unconscious thoughts, we can remind ourselves to be mindful that reflecting our inner world can be as brilliant as we choose for it to be.

Remember, we are amazing creators, so we have a responsibility to create the life that we deserve by clearing the space we need to fulfill our destinies. We can then lovingly revel in the knowledge that in doing so we are making an enormous mark in healing our beautiful world. It may feel a bit unnatural at first to understand that we really have everything we need inside of us to make magic in our lives, but we do! And in the end isn’t this what we are called to do when we love ourselves enough to say “Yes”?

…And so it is.

5 steps to use when in a place of angst:

·       Stop what you are doing, close your eyes and take 3 slow, methodical super deep and cleansing breaths

·       Reframe your mood by asking “Is this truly how I feel and if not I’m changing it!”

·       Meditate as it will put you in a place of calm and clarity

·       Declare your gratitude for you and what makes you happy and feel warm inside.

·       SMILE…A LOT and allow yourself to laugh.

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” Alan Cohen

To your brilliance unfolding with love,


By the way, I am keeping my 30 MINUTE FREE BREAKTHROUGH sessions alive and available to you for however long it serves everyone, so if you haven’t taken advantage of signing up for one, go and BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!!

Jude Luttrell