Feeling like a whirling dervish? You’re not alone.

The other day another horrific event took place when a man’s breathing was inhibited resulting in death due to suffocation.  This was instigated by keeping a knee belonging to a policeman on this man’s neck and back.

Now it’s not right to castrate every police person for those in this profession who are not honorable nor ethical but unfortunately the culmination of hundreds of years keeping black citizens in a powerless scenario has reached its tipping point. 

And behind this is a growing voice full of rage and fire being carried across our nation and throughout the world.  It is egging many people on to be reactionaries while trying to quell our ability to think with discernment.

But trying is not meant to be confused with succeeding.  We are better than this.

Along with the media and commercials we have been hearing the words “We are all in this together” but this is not just about our lock down. It is so much bigger, deeper with a wider range of significant meaning that is far from fleeting. It’s mostly about our being asked to rise up/wake up and pay attention to healing, not only ours but for all of person-kind.

This has been a concern for me since the inception of our virus lock-down and unfortunately, it’s come to fruition with spectacles on television.  The ideology of human beings not taking on the responsibility of bringing forward the art of awareness and consciousness is super sad and hugely disempowering for all concerned.

Sit quietly and you will hear, deep in your soul, a massive outcry to take conscious and deliberate action steps to in order to gain access to our wisdom, commitment and resolute that resides in each and every one of us. Ask yourself: Are you discouraged or encouraged as to what we are hearing from outside influences, scared or feeling a bit excited about the changes that are coming up, confused or starting to feel more focused and aligned, sad or happy, resilient or crushed?  Go deep.

For me we’re all in this together is about awakening the human consciousness within to recognize, for a fact that each of us is connected, from our DNA to 6 degrees of separation.  And our thinking/our thoughts are an energy we are putting out into the world with as much thrust as if we had spoken the words out loud.

And we probably won’t have all the answers or any of them unless we tap into how we are feeling at a deeper level and only from there can our experiences in life be redesigned to fit the new moments.

I know it feels a little like just in the title of this play/movie alone,  “Stop the World I Want to Get Off.” The main character, Littlechap announces to the audience each time something happens that it not to his liking, “Stop the world…!” Even the expression “You can run but you can’t hide” is so appropriate but since neither is feasible what are we to do?

Here are a couple of ideas/tips that may help with redesigning some old, no-longer- wanted ways of thinking and owning the idea that your new outlook will  be even better because you are becoming more awake and feeling more empowered because of it!

1.     Rethink.  Your thoughts are just thoughts.  They are not real but depending on what you are telling yourself they can keep you even more sequestered or you can soar. 

2.    Believe that you are wise, accountable and a student of this earth. By spreading this to others just by showing up you will empower all concerned.

3.    The darkest of times are the most fertile.  Practice deep introspection. 

4.    Running with the pack can keep you from discovering who you are and where you really want to be. Create a reliable and loving posse to grow with you!

We are in an epic time of transformation and we will not have all the answers or any of them unless we tap into how we are feeling at a deeper level. Only from there can our experiences going forward in life be redesigned to fit the new moments and we get to show up as a brave new soul inviting other brave new souls to become the essence of the words “We are all in this together.”

To your brilliance unfolding,


By the way, I would love to have you join my posse with more inspirational blogs, videos and chats by going to www.coachingtothecore.com and sign up today!!

And if you are interested in talking to me about our coaching together and how you can spur on the excitement of moving forward in your life with support, techniques and loving kindness please leave your email in the comment section of my web site and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

Jude Luttrell