4 new techniques to keep unfolding your desires

On the television show Lucifer, the devil, whose earth name is Lucifer Morningstar,  takes a vacation from hell to spend some time on earth running his nightclub as well as working with a detective on the Los Angeles police force as a consultant.

His forte for getting to the truth when working on a case with was by forcing the suspect to look into his eyes and then asking them, “What is it you desire?”  With devilish superpowers they always conceded and boom, case unraveled or redirected to solving the crime.   

Though this would not be the power-asset that we would imagine the Devil would practice, Lucifer was also trying to understand human behavior while trying to comprehend all the carefully crafted red tapes of the human mind. 

Wouldn’t we all like to be able to zero in on our own truth to get to the real goodies in a blink of an eye but regrettably we carry too many stories from the past into the present and it dampens our intentions.

Getting to our truth is not impossible though. It usually takes more that a stare and a free pass to get out of hell and it most assuredly takes a lot of inner work and commitment, practice and then believing that it is doable.

Desire/wish/yearning/longing is absolutely attainable but “possibly hidden due to feeling ashamed that some of your desire(s) are self-serving or because the hurt you may feel if you don’t get what you ask for” says Debbie Ford in her book, The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse.  She goes on to say that unless you embrace the desires of your heart, you are left empty and estranged from the passion of our soul.

Desire is the agent of change, your best friend/inner knowing and it’s just waiting for you to unleash its power. However as I have said in previous blogs, you first must be very clear in where you are going and then you absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt must practice bringing them to fruition/life.

I have a friend who has an insatiable appetite for reading books written by particular self-help leaders, devouring all of their words of wisdom. But unless he is willing to go deep and then deeper, past the old messages given to him by the ego and claim his willingness to bring these truths into his heart he will stay in this place of rereading the message but not living, fully, the life of freedom, happiness and authenticity.

If on this journey you allow the constraints of past behavior overshadow the joy and land in a place of resignation you will fall into a hell of your own making.  Desire is like a racehorse waiting for the starting gate to be opened.  As the horse fights for freedom so should we fight for ours.  This is your life.

I am sharing 4 more techniques that work for me in learning how to be fully focused and aligned and my DESIRE is that they will be of service to you, too!

1.    Make a list of your desires. (Yes, writing them down again!) Do not judge but savor them, take a moment to check inside how you get energized in seeing them in print.

2.    When you are through with your list find the ones that truly align with your heart. Ask yourself why these desires mean so much to you; have they always been with you; how do you want to express them; how can they not only serve you but the world.

3.    Create a vision as to how this looks and

4.    Take a few moments each day to allow them to become integrated into your whole being; mind/body/soul (Remember it takes 33 days to create a new habit)

Don’t wait until you are bored, tired and up against a wall in pain from not acting on your behalf but use this opportunity right now to explore and start engaging with yourself on a level never before pursued.

“If you don’t set the tone for the day the devil will set it for you.”  Joel Osteen

To your brilliance unfolding,


Jude Luttrell