5 steps to own bringing your dreams into reality
In 2009 I was working with a coach who told me that the way to have my voice heard was to write a book which brought a new kind of horror into my life. I was being asked to commit to something so far out of my comfort zone that I was soon finding it hard to sleep. My gut was telling me that she was right but heaven knows where I was to start, what was I to say and who was I to be writing a book and having someone actually read it? Afterall, I’m just a girl.
Yes, even in 2009 I was running in my head a bit of a worthiness diatribe.
How many women have been conditioned to think about themselves and their role in society as being less than or greater than? There was very little written about us in school and without any deep knowledge on female heroes we have been doing most of our life in auto-pilot with old ideas running in our DNA.
So, even today it’s still challenging to see/feel/taste/touch our dreams and bring them alive without being stumped by societal stigmas.
In a world of 175 countries only 29 have women as heads of some government office. And in Fortune 500 companies as of 2018 there were only 24 CEO’s. And so on.
What happened here?
Some historical background: in the year c. 3100 BC Mesopotamia in Sume, women owned property, ran businesses with their husbands, become doctors, priestesses, judges, etc. It was a simple everyday occurrence that women led to a society that was prosperous and peaceful. To find out more go to YouTube where you can find a fascinating 4 part series by Dr. Amanda Foreman called The Ascent of Woman. In this she covers civilization from 10,000 BC to the present.
Today we are in another moment in time where a lot of us have nothing but time on our hands. It is here that we have the opportunity to think about what beliefs, habits and ideals we want to leave behind and what we want to create going forward. A fresh tapestry of our making once we are released from the bondage of isolation and other snags.
Our frenetic outer world in which we all have been living and cannot control is becoming less substantial than what is going on in our inner world which has pretty much been neglected. This is not to say that what is going on around the world isn’t important because that goes without saying but who we are in this world at this very moment and how we are going to show up in our new normal is HUGE, leading us back to question why we are here/what is our/my purpose?
If you have read my previous blogs you will find some of which I have been referring in this one to be a part of a running dialogue. Nevertheless shifting the way we look at ourselves and our dreams takes discipline. It is said that it takes 33 days to change a behavior/create a new habit; with practicing this new comportment every day possibilities of developing a new neural pathway for a successful outcome is very doable. Check out Dr. Joe Dispenza’s website to learn more about this.
So just like with my book where I had to work through smatterings of mental noise and redundancy, I had to learn a new conversation. And the mantra/affirmation that I repeated many times over during this journey was simply, anything is possible.
Below are your beginning 5 steps into feeling what “book” you may want to write:
1. Be specific. What is your intention? What is your dream?
2. Be consistent, practice daily. Breathe it in.
3. Commit to your intention every day. All 33 of them.
4. Deal with any resistance, like when you hear “NO” and gently bring in ‘Yes I can”
5. Believe. Trust in your higher self, the part of you that knows you better than you know yourself.
“If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou
I wish you joy in this exploration of discovering your ability to create and I invite you to ask any questions or share your wins by signing up on my website: www.coachingtothecore.com.
With many blessings,