A simple exercise in self exploration
Yesterday I posted a video on Instagram about a three-part exercise I thought could be useful right now.
Having a lot of time on our hands isn’t exactly how we would want to have spare time right now, but you can make it work for you in many ways. Tackling those to-do lists you made like cleaning closets, planting flowers or veggies, doing a thorough cleaning in your home and get the corners that the vacuum cleaner ignored, etc.
For me one item on my soon to be very long list is going through 3 huge boxes of photos. I still have wallet photos of students from high school some of which I have no idea who this nice person is so I bless them then boom, into the trash they go!
Take the Time to Explore New Possibilities
Humans are social beings and just the idea of not being able to connect in person is bringing up the feeling of being lonely and even feeling frozen in the fear of the unknown. But even watching television as an escape gets old after awhile. However, thanks to the internet we can take this opportunity to explore things that have always interested us but were too busy with other ‘stuff’.
For me this is for the most part a time of great introspection and, as a life coach in LA, I am always reading and seeking out ways in which I can satisfy my craving of being more of who I have been. It’s also a way to create an inner balance so that I can handle a lot of the discomfort that the news media can bring on by stepping back and re-calibrating.
But not to get too wordy or deep I thought of creating this little exploration that requires nothing more than a few moments of commitment, writing utensils, and quiet.
A Quick Exercise of Self-Reflection
With a pen and paper and your willingness to do some light reflection, there are three topics and 4 action words I put together that may help spur you on your adventure in getting in touch with you, your wants, needs, desires and heartfelt dreams.
The reason to sit down and write using a pen/pencil vs using the computer, which you can do of course, is that using a writing instrument makes the experience more tactile as it imprints on our brain. Using long hand (remember that?) stimulates and engages the brain on a different level than typing. It has been said that using pen to paper allows for a deeper more truthful experience because it forces you to slow down and focus on what is important.
Just a warning. Once you start on this kind of journey and find that you kinda like it, well, just let me say you may be hooked. Skimming the surface of doing inner work can lead to enormously rewarding gifts as you go forward. This one I’ve put together is like baby-steps and made to be an easy and entertaining process.
Here we go…
3 topics:
3. WHAT MY LIFE LOOKS LIKE AFTER THIS IS OVER. (Dream and create your future here)
The four guiding words you can use are “Thinking, feeling, acting and doing.”
As an example using the first focus theme:
I was thinking about how my how I needed to do my life with more enthusiasm
I was feeling that life was great but looking ahead I knew that I wanted to engage on a more heart felt level with family, friends…
I was acting like life would go on forever and that I had a ‘devil may care’ attitude…
I thought I was doing a lot to spur on my business however I was having trouble focusing and that led to frustration…
Going through a very challenging experience like the one we are all in today and not using this as an opportunity to learn more about who you are can be a great loss. People are finally getting used to saying, “everything happens for a reason” but when you ask them what that reason is to them the answer is usually “I don’t know.”
So, take a leap of faith especially if you haven’t done this kind of work before and go for it. It is designed to help open that mystery door, even a crack, that you may be hiding behind and if at the end of the exercise you find it lifting your veil even the slightest bit, please know the Universe will be happy to show you more of the same going forward.
To your brilliance unfolding and to our world aligning to a higher and healthier purpose daily,