Sweet peas of life

One day on my neighborhood walk the name “Sweet Pea” dropped into my head for no apparent reason but it made me smile. I continued to say the word in my head and use that voice that only a woman can use…you know the one with that high-pitched emphasis…Sweeet Peeeea!  Can you hear it?

Two days later I am walking my hood again and passed by one of my favorite houses where in the archway sat a big fat grey tabby. Proven to be one of the more friendly of the feline species I only had to snap my fingers and chant ‘Here Kitty Kitty’ twice and he came a runnin'. I took this as an opportunity to sit with him on the steps while he rubbed and purred, and I expressed what a beautiful kitty he was. We seemed to be both quite content.

A few more moments of quiet loving and then it was time to check out his name since we were verging on a first name basis. Turning to the tag on his collar I let out a gleeful “OMG, this is so cool!” because, and I am sure you have guessed the punch line…his name was Sweet Pea!

Later that day I was having lunch when I noticed a very handsome man at one of the tables who was a carbon copy of a young actor Richard Chamberlain.   Richard was quite yummy in his day as was this present day doppelganger!  Upon leaving I took one more admiring glance, sighed and returned to real life.

That afternoon as I was coming home I passed the old Aero theatre in Santa Monica and saw that there was going to be a special screening that night with  in person guest star, Richard Chamberlain! Go figure!!

Now some may call these coincidences which are perceived as chance whereby synchronicities according to Carl Jung imply a deeper intelligence at work.  In either case these are moments in time that can give you room for pause followed by some wide-eyed elation while running to or calling to tell someone the cool thing that just happened!  Our adrenaline gets a bit of a pick me up, endorphins get fired up and in today’s world using my most unfavorite word gets expressed…awesome!

Just recently we have all be directly affected with that ominous COVID-19 whereby becoming a lot more aware of our surroundings and justifiably shaken by the whoa of the world. And at the same time many of us are feeling stuck in the clutches of the ego that can never let go of its hold on us lending fear, anxiety, stress and anything else negative into our minds.

However, we must remember that where there is yin there is yang and yes, there are always bright sides that exists simultaneously.  So many sweet moments that don't cost a dime, that fill us up with lightness, that are simple life’s’ pleasures are available to us each and every day if we awaken to them.

Visualize you are face to face with God and you are being asked by our supreme energetic life force, “Did you do absolutely everything you could do to raise your bar every day?  Did you get the most pleasure out of living your life? Did you speak up for yourself? Did you fight for what you believed in your heart? Did you gaze into an open flower to marvel at the intricacies of it’s nature?  Did you call a friend when you were walking on the beach witnessing huge pods of dolphin joyfully dancing in the ocean? Did you stop to take in the sound of children playing and laughing?  Did you tell everyone important in your life how much they meant to you?  Did you open your day to serve others less fortunate than you? Did you do yourself justice by just being present in the moments I gave to you?" This was your only chance this time around to take advantage of everything I put in your way!” said God.

Life’s simple pleasures are always available to us if we allow them to naturally spill into our heart like the feeling of a Sweet Pea moment. Don’t be so busy that you don’t take them into that most special place in your soul. Share these most special moments with others as happiness is in high demand nowadays.

Give yourself the opportunity right now to make a pledge to be more conscious in your life. Use the following as guidance or make up your own special ToDo’s. 

1.                Expect a miracle.

2.                Share the spirit of a synchronistic moment!

3.                Start creating your dream life so that when this time is over you are ready to jump higher.

4.                Smell those damn roses every chance you get.

5.                Tell yourself how much you love you, first, then pour it out to your loved ones.

6.                Wake up claiming happiness (even if you feel like poo)

7.                Name you next dog, cat, bird, fish, Sweet Pea!

8.                Smile at someone you don't know and wish them well from your heart.

9.                Be present. Be real. Be kind. Just…BE.

10.             Claim your higher self and learn to become your best friend.

Be the difference in the world you have always wanted to be or your conversation with God may have you coming back to tend to those things you had needed to cultivate this time around...plus all the new ones in that new life!  And then whew, will you be busy!

And so it is…my friends, so it is.



Jude Luttrell