“When we die and go to heaven, our Maker is not going to say, why didn’t you discover the cure for such and such? The only thing we’re going to be asked at this precious moment is why didn’t you become you? ~Ellie Wiesel
To understand the science of some of the new research that is coming about “shattering conventional wisdom about the human body” Chris Hemsworth (aka Thor) undergoes a series of epic trials and challenges to find our bodies' limits in Nat Geo’s documentary called LIMITLESS.
The challenges he faces are not only physical but psychological and spiritual leading to a plethora of outstanding realizations, one of which is that if we commit to something there are no limits as to what we can accomplish and discover.
The biggest challenge of pushing your limits is to come to terms with whether you are willing to take on commitment, focus, clarity, practice, and follow through. It is here and through this pledge that we can be unstoppable.
What are the next steps that will lead us to discovery when we live in a world that doesn’t allow us to take time to breathe. Where do we go, who do we talk with, what books shall we read, what classes do we need to take, and which path is the right one to take a chance on?
Sometimes we come to realize that it’s time to do something new in our life and then there are times when we get forced into making a change.
I have a client who is a single mom with 3 children. She has her own business in beauty/ageless living. She has no help from the father so has learned to be the ‘everything’ to the kids as well as to herself. Unfortunately, and we have heard this story many a time over again, she found herself running short of taking care of her needs. Feeling lost and caught in that loop of ‘same ol shit, different day’ she also lost her confidence, and every time she got close to the finish line at the last minute she would retreat and when asked she couldn’t put her finger on why she wouldn’t finish what she had started.
Today she is on a performance path of success in all aspects of her life, feeling more of who she always wanted to be and loving the idea of imagining something better, limitlessly.
Her biggest takeaway from working together is that she felt heard; she felt safe with our relationship to purge and unleash the angst that had taken up space in her body where the good stuff could move in.
You have more freedom today than you are using. For the most part, you have nothing to fear but your thoughts that keep you tied up so now is the time to become your expert on yourself and don’t go on what other people say about you.
Say more YES than NO’s which will keep you in a place of excitement and focus on what you are creating and will achieve. Thor did!!
Wishing you many heartfelt blessings for a beautiful Christmas this Monday and I look forward to your signing up for a FREE 30-minute consultation to start unlocking your limitless Self.
With many blessings,
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Jude Luttrell coaches with full-on wisdom and enthusiasm. She is a weekly blogger whose articles can be found on her website, Videos about empowerment, awareness, creating a better life, and tips on clothing and makeup... you name it can be found on her daily TikTok and IG page. Jude is a writer and a published author, an ordained minister, a graduate of the University of Santa Monica with certifications in Consciousness, Heath and Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Soul Centered Life Coaching, a 50-year meditator in TM and Mindfulness, and a Breast Cancer Survivor.
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