Spiritual Uncertainty? Ask Dorothy

The worlds energy is changing in a way that is bringing up more questions as to where we are going and who are we becoming, not just as a nation but as individuals. And our spirituality is showing up front and center and is finally being acknowledged not as the turban-wearing psychic with the crystal ball.

Spirituality is defined as the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.  And maybe just from this meaning it isn’t so surprising that collectively over this century we have had a bit of an aversion to fully conceptualizing what the human spirit is and that we all are spiritual beings.

In my book, Over 40 fit and fab I talk about my first open house outing to the University of Santa Monica for the Study and Practice of Spirituality and I admit, I was apprehensive.  “ I made numerous phone calls to the school advisor over the weeks following my visit just to put to rest the myriad of doubts that I had about the people were who were running this school. I wanted to know what “kind” of people attended and what does one actually do with an M.A. in spiritual psychology? I was also a tad suspect of the extraordinarily enthusiastic individuals who gave testimonials that were shared at the schools’ open house. Everyone who got up to talk about their experience/education at USM spoke with dancing eyes and voices brimming with joy. Yes, all of this happy, positive and enthusiastic sharing had me thinking that this all was too good to be true. I thought, “No one can be that whacked out with happiness without being medicated!” In hind sight, I can see how naive I was in my inability to believe that there were people out there in the world who actually had found some answers to their questions of why, where and who they are, and consequently, reaping the benefits of a higher level of understanding and maybe even some peace and contentment in their lives. I was having a little bit of trouble believing that people could really live that much in the present moment, accepting their living in the NOW without what seemed to be any ulterior motives or secret agendas. They simply appeared to have achieved a special kind of knowing of how to live more authentically in their lives. So regardless of the noise going on in my chatty mind, something deep inside of me made me step through my doubts and compelled me to find out for myself what was behind this mysterious society of spiritually orientated gurus.”

Today we are being faced with an immense amount of uncertainty, duh, but what are we as individuals doing to rectify this discomfort going forward?  If you are doing “nothing” then I say with loving that you are missing a fantastic opportunity to grow and it’s time to start thinking ‘out of your old box’.

The only place to focus on right now is inside.  Internal awareness is the key and though for the most part we humans are very adept at avoiding our uncertainty because of the way it might make us feel, if you have made it through the past 4 months know that you are far more fearless than you were when this Covid-stuff started.  Time for a high 5!  

But high 5-ing is not your end game, it is just the beginning! Moving forward is big, it’s exciting, it’s challenging, but mostly it’s the opportunity to become the best intended spiritual being ever!

Remember when the Good Witch Glinda told Dorothy at the end of her most harrowing experiences “You had the power to go home at any time.” (I have always imagined what Dorothy really wanted to say to Glinda at this moment, haven’t you!?)

But had Dorothy gone right back to Kansas after crunching down on the bad witches’ body with her house, she would not have appreciated her home and family as much as she did at the end.  Nor would she have made new friends who showed her about courage, wisdom and love; learned to discern her power to solve problems; seen victory reign over wickedness; seen that solutions to problems may take a team of like-minded souls to succeed.

We are all spiritual beings and no one soul is better than another as we are all connected.  It is our unique journeys that set us apart. Souls come into physical body and are to learn the rules of each place in which they find.  Spirit/God knows that our souls learn best by experience.  Dealing with our problems forces us to grow.  Not until we come to understand our true nature as a Soul do we realize our power to create the events and relationships of our lives. 

Spirituality is a personal journey that we are all taking whether we are conscious of it or not.  And the impact that it has on our lives depends on how open our eyes and heart are during our journey.  And once on this path, we have the opportunity to discover the extent to which all things are connected and the unity of all living beings.

This time in our life, right here/right now is the ripest it has ever been.  The learnings will keep coming, the witches with their sometimes back-asswards messages will continue to taunt us but we are stronger now than we ever were so know that whether it’s a virus or a house that falls on top of you, you are capable of moving up and forward; making yourself proud, feeling more empowered and brave and living the life you will continue to shape to our hearts desire!   

Wishing for you the continuous unfolding of your brilliance!


p.s. My offer awaits you.  Sign in to www.coachingtothecore.com/free-gift and get your free gift from our Los Angeles life coach now!

Jude Luttrell