To worry or not to worry? That is the question.

And my answer to this is to first change the word “worry” to “concern.”  Secondly, attend to what you need to do to bring a sense of relief and accomplishment, and lastly, LET IT GO!!

I have a girlfriend who is a worrier.  It’s what she does and who she is and has made this an integral part of her personality.  Today she called to ask me if I was fully supplied with antibacterial everything, enough supplements to last a month, prescriptions filled to last for 3 months, masks, soap, dry foods in case of quarantine along with anything else that may be necessary to hide from an unknown virus.

All good, and I’m grateful that she cares enough to see if I have my act together however after hanging up the phone I ventured into a mental list as to what else I may need and started to worry.  Ha!

Worrying: Natural but Dangerous

Human beings are masterful worriers.  We worry about what has already happened and keep bringing it into the present moment; we worry about what hasn’t or could happen, and bring it present. 

So, guess what?  We are always in a perpetual worry mode whether we are conscious of it or not.

Worry causes stress, which is another word for fear, yet it is worn as a badge of honor.  We even compete as to who is more stressed!! 

Stress weakens the immune system. And what does this coronavirus/COVID-19 zero in on?  Our immune system. 

Being a senior, which is one group that is supposedly targeted by this COVID-19, while carrying stress behind me like another appendage, means I could be asking to ‘Bring it on’ and be doomed!  

But here’s a little note to self equation to keep in the front of your mind, not just today but always:   Thought equals words, equals action, equals results.

Meditation Activity to Combat Worry

We beings have an innate ability to tell our brain anything and it will acquiesce while forging that/those thoughts deeper into or creating a new neural pathway making it your truth.   To stay healthy mind/body/soul we must learn to be mindful at all times and not to keep telling ourselves stressful stories!

So, I have ample supplies to take care of me if indeed I do get something funky AND I have one amazing, super-duper resource and practice that we all have available at a no-cost to support our inner self and keep us healthy!!!  

A meditation practice from an experienced LA life coach!!!

Meditation helps to:

  • Alleviate stress

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Reduces emotional and physical pain

  • Controls anxiety

  • Promotes emotional health

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Increases well-being

  • Improves focus

  • Triggers brain relaxation response

  • Generates kindness, rtc.

You can keep owning your fears until the cows come home and then sit in them until your body either starts to show you what real imbalance is all about or you can take charge and be ahead of the game by integrating this practice into your life, daily.

If you are not taking care of the angst, known and unknown, because you have been functioning from that challenged mindset for so many years, take heed in knowing that you can change this and start creating both a stress-less life and a healthy mind. 

By taking a few moments out of your 24 hour day to BE with you, your life will only get better and you can take off that badge you will need never to wear again!

Here’s an article from the Huffington Post that I hope you find useful:

To your brilliance unfolding,


Jude Luttrell