HI HO, HI HO, it’s on to our work we go!

This year has been so tough.  I feel like I am coming to the end of a year long marathon running from one coast to the other, barefoot, and as I see the finish line in the distance it just keeps getting farther away like in a bad dream.  With that not only does my heart ache but my body is in need of a major tune up and my brain is ready to explode. (Nothin’ major here, right?)

We all feel that we hope and pray never to go through tumultuous times like this again. But as long as humans inhabit this earth we most assuredly will.  

So the question in me arises, will we be more awake the next time to go face to face with another monumental challenge because we have used this time to awaken to the best of us or not?

My feeling about this pandemic and the why it is here is more than just bats and bad markets.  Things like this are not just happenstance. There is, for me, a much deeper and conscious meaning as to why we are in this place today.  

Take energy for instance, that of which encompasses everything in the Universe.  Thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes are comprised of energy. When applied to the human body, every atom, molecule, cell, tissue and body system is composed of energy that when overlaid on each other create that which is known as the human energy field.

Words and thoughts impact our very being and they have an instantaneous implication, energetically, so as I have implied in the past we must all be very mindful of what we think as well as what we say because there’s a story to follow either good or not so good.  Like a good girl or boy scout…be prepared.

The energy we humans have been generating has been pushing the limits on planet earth for a longer time than preferable as to not cause harm.  Mother earth is out of balance on many levels from climate, poverty, corruption, religious persecution, food, overpopulation.   We are the only ones that can turn this around so energetically we are in this predicament because there is something for each and every one of us to learn on a deeper level of our awareness. 

There is a missing ingredient that we have access to and we are denying its divine presence.

As we go from a 3 Dimensional conscious world which is made up of separateness and the masculine over feminine energy to the 4 D consciousness which is about awakening to the asking who and why we are, to our soon to be living in a 5th Dimensional consciousness which is concerning unity, oneness, expansion, spirituality, then by taking all this into account there should be no surprise that what we are now experiencing will not be so smooth going forward...until it isn’t which is supposed to be around 2024. 

I know, I so know how this feels.  Ugh!

So let’s deal with what most of us can understand and do a deep dive with the help of the following questions that are stated in first person.  I’d take out a piece of paper and pen and answer these honestly.

·       What have I done with my time over the past 9 months? 

·       Have I done my internal homework and made a check list as to what is left to accomplish?

·       Do I know better my likes and dislikes? 

·       Have I added polish to my friendships that I honestly want to keep close to me and am I willing to gently allowed others to fade back into the scenery? 

·       Have I learned the difference between love and fear and how the latter effects my body?

·       Have I learned to LIKE myself more and allowed the idea of using a lot more YES’ vs No’s on behalf of my happiness?

·       Am I ready to take on more of life’s challenges as a unity entity vs keeping separation as a key-note speaker?

Your answers to these questions will become clear if you can just wrap your head around the idea that it is time to get in touch with your higher self/an eternal, all-powerful, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self. 

To truly live in the loving, authentically, is as close to heaven that any of us could dream of.  Understanding why we are here and what we are to do from this point forward with a heart that is open, a mind that is willing to expand and be informed, not just for a few but for everyone is key.

The truth is when one lives in pure light and love the ego doesn’t stand a chance to interfere. And just like the movement of a hummingbird’s wings, our love can be as impactful and as much of a game changer as a tsunami.

To your brilliance unfolding with love,


P.S. If learning about 3, 4, and 5 D is foreign to you, not any more!  You will be hearing these phrases a lot in the not-too-distant future.   Just like the word “spirituality” that didn’t become mainstream until about 20 years ago. 


Remember to follow me on Instagram & Facebook and don't forget to sign up for a complimentary 30 minute exploration as to next steps in your ascension to brilliance!

Jude Luttrell