What would Katharine Hepburn say?
The other day I was thinking about my favorite movie, The Philadelphia Story with Katharine, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart. (Yes, it’s an old TMC black and white movie and yes, I can relate).
My first reflection back was about the incredible bath robe she wore when she stepped out of the pool house after a moonlight dip with Jimmy...omgosh, gorgeous!! If you’re one who is crazy about clothes and ones that are so timeless and unique then hit Find/Record/Play now!
Then I wonder about how she would describe how she was feeling at that most defining moment. I just imagine the writers would never have let her simply say "I'm Happy," as that was never the KH style. With such a repertoire of fast paced, dynamic roles I feel very confident she would have responded something akin to "I'm WILDLY happy!"
In any case this gave pause for me and my incredibly active brain full of imagination and creativity to remind myself to move outside of my comfort zone and think bigger, embellish more and stop settling for "a little bit being better than nothing at all." Isn't that an example of living an 'ordinary' life vs an "extra-ordinary" life?
So what has been stopping me and what keeps all of us from busting thru our glass ceiling to be living a bigger, bolder, braver and fantastic life? If we can answer this honestly, I’d surmise we would no longer feel perplexed or feel the need to ask someone for the answer.
I came to realize that the answer is one that deserves homage to our higher self; that it's in each and every one of us to acknowledge this answer. And I know you know the answer. What’s stopping us? Simple. We are…little ol’ us and our magnificently over-crowded controlled brain full of thoughts and stories that aren’t even pertinent at that very moment and not “speaking” on our behalf.
Words, thoughts, self-professed prophecies that whirl around in our heads daily can make or break us and for the most part most people are not aware of what they are doing to themselves when the negative ones continually replay on their own hamster wheel.
Our bizzy brain is what can keep our wants, needs and desires smaller than we would ever have wished for in living our best life. And it's us who, with a bit of deliberate and conscious shifting of our behavior can create new realities by giving pause and reevaluating the way we search and pursue our dreams and believe them to come true; acknowledging that we are deserving and that our Inner Knowing truly understands that we can have anything we really want and that all we have to do is believe we can and then get out of our way.
Many times, in life we stand in the back and live vicariously through someone else’s super wins when we can have our own. God/Spirit/Universe placed us here to be the best...the BEST that we can be. And let’s face it with the month of February 2020 already half way over we can all agree, old, young and yes, even millennials, that we don't have that much time to sit back and wait for our dreams to come knocking at our door.
When we come to understand that we all have the power of creation inside of us and how with a little kindness, grace, patience and ownership when walking this journey to become all that we have wanted to be that we too can answer just like Katherine would every day for the rest of our life.
With individual magnetism we too can make this kind of declaration with confidence, class, self-honor, with or without wearing a fantastic robe and having a beautiful man/woman standing with you in the moonlight. Each of us can be that we are not just happy or fine or good but we can be wildly happy.
1. Commit to something better than yesterday for yourself
2. Practice your allegiance daily
3. Be patient while forming new neural pathways to freedom
To your brilliance unfolding,