An Art of Becoming Joyfully Joyful

One of the most intrinsic gifts that we are born with is the feeling of joy.  It is our birthright.  

Joy came naturally while we were young and had no stories with which to judge it…it blossomed purely and effortlessly from our hearts and spilled over our life with the gentleness of a soft rain; it brought out in us wild and abandoned laughter; we rolled around with joy on the grass and jumped wildly in the thick fields of fresh hay; we splashed crazily in the waves for hours and relished the pain of the sunburn at the end of the day.

What happened to that joy?  Why is it that it is only summoned when there is a special event or a holiday instead of experiencing the joyous beauty that God intended us to celebrate all the time?

When was the last time we laughed really big that tears flowed from our eyes and our stomach hurt from the tightening of our muscles?  And when we had this feeling did we ask why something that felt so good, so right and natural had become such a rarity?

“Joyfully joyful” is a mantra that I have recently adopted and is proving to be one of the most empowering ways in which to show up. If I am to do anything to help humanity then I want to be an admirable example through which others can give themselves permission to live joyfully joyful by simply spring boarding from that place our heart.

 3 things to do before your feet touch the ground first thing in the morning:  

1.      Let your voice be heard while saying out loud your grateful list.  It not only wakes you up some more but it sets a firm precedence for your proclamation.

2.      While in the shower, sing!  Water falling on your head and over your ears puts Streisand to shame.  (You can even do a confined version of DYBO at the same time)

3.      Before you step out into the other world set an intention.

 An example of this might be:

“I am radiating and receiving the light of joy, goodness and loving and am making it my “business” every moment to be of service to all who are in the periphery of the Universal energy that surrounds me.”

It is with God’s intention that we lift ourselves higher each day; to empower all with whom we come in contact and to live in the integrity of her/his genius. 

The joy that has been lying dormant inside of us is always, and I mean ALWAYS here for us to tap into any time, any place, anywhere.  It will never leave us no matter how far down in our heart we have tucked it away.

The world is in need of our laughter, our joyfulness so it can feel lighter again.  It is our job to bring this forward.  

Are you ready to rekindle your light of being joyfully joyful at this very important and critical time in all of our lives?   If you are please share your wins with me, an LA life coach, by clicking below in the comment section so that I can play them forward to my readers. 

We all have our important unique ways in which we show up with hope, happiness and joy so let us hear your take.   If there is anything I know to be true we have all experienced that something simple can many times prove to be enormously powerful!

Many blessings!

Jude Luttrell