Falling Backwards, Rising Up!

Falling back in time is here but don’t let your behaviors do the same.  Every day is a new day…a rebirth if you will, so by all means, imbibe in the moment.  

We have a tendency to make resolutions at midnight on New Year’s Eve which in essence is an excuse to be reflective, right?  But who says we can’t make our own traditions and if we must find an ‘excuse’ until we become more masterful at doing this any time, then we do!

Any reason to shift things up and create some new intentions especially on the behalf of our better self and to soften the edges of our weary soul after such a tumultuous year is a gift of which I feel we are all deserving.

Remember you cannot control anything that is outside of yourself but you can certainly do your inner homework to gain strength and focus on how you deal with these outer issues.  In a manner of speaking this excuse to reflect due to the time change is a gift to us at a time when we can learn what it means to nurture ourselves by checking in on who we are and who we are becoming which can be a more Brilliant you!

“The times they are a changing.” And so it is and so it shall be.

Jude Luttrell