

Remember the story of the emperor and his new clothes where he was so caught up in what he wore, what he owned and how he looked foregoing any consideration for his subjects that he actually believed the clothing that was made for him by his ‘trusted’ tailor really existed…and it didn’t…and he showed up at a most festive event with all the pomp and circumstance totally NAKED!

So, there were two problems that this emperor faced at this most defining and embarrassing moment.  One, which is obvious…shall I say it again…he was naked! But the other problem was one that we see going on all the time and we along with the regular prodding of the media make it out to be much more substantial and life-important than it really is.  

Once the emperor was de-clothed, he had no idea who he was without his fine adornment.  He was not only physically naked but he was now being forced to no longer hide behind his self-made curtain and see who he really was.  

Strip all of your idols down to their birthday suits…imagine this now. (Okay, enough time).  All the way down to no clothing, no big houses, no fine cars, no money, no paparazzi, no nothing.  Just bare naked and lined up beside each other. And ask yourself…

Who are they now?  Are they any different /better than the person standing next to them? Are they any better than you?

People hide behind a lot of materialistic things because this is what keeps them feeling safe and protected even though it is really an illusion.

These economic times of challenge have brought some very humbling stories to the surface.  I equate what is happening to the world as a water leak on the top floor of a building and that it may not have gotten to the first floor yet but because the plumber hasn’t been able to find the main problem to the leak it will get to the bottom sooner than we think.

This being said, there are very few people who haven’t or eventually won’t be effected by the way the world is changing right now and for some, a new found nakedness will be a huge wake-up call to the way they have been showing up in the world in the past and the way they are having to adjust to revamping their style for the future.

Take a moment now, look inside of yourself and ask if you could be great, powerful, beautiful, fabulous without all the baubles and bangles that surround you?  

Energetically if we take pause at this moment we might see how many walls and facades we have built around us over our lifetime so that our awareness may be narrowed seeing ourselves for who we really are.

I have a friend, Carol who used to be chief of staff at her hospital.  When she decided to leave the position to start a clinic elsewhere she went through some serious mental torment, as she didn’t know who she was without being head of a hospital.  For years Carol was always a doctor 1st, and Carol, 2nd.  Now she was choosing to step out as Carol, 1st and metaphorically naked as the emperor.

As uncomfortable as this moment was in Carol’s life she knew she had to start breaking down her walls.

One of the last times I saw she was attending a seminar put on by the brilliant Byron Katie and from what I heard and saw Carol was so much more in tune with who she really was and and, get this guys, SHE IS ENORMOUSLY HAPPY!! Ownership of who she was first was evident beyond words and energetically the girl was lighting up the room!

So, the moral of the story is to get to know who you are first!!  

1. Get “naked” with yourself and learn to love the YOU inside.

2. Pay attention to how you show up in your day and lead with your heart…your super truth area of light and loving!  

3. When you meet someone new instead of telling them what you do for a living, tell them who you are.

4. Never compare yourself to anyone unless you are using them as a mentor to help you raise your own bar in the world. Know that how someone shows up with all of their sparkle and bangles can be merely a façade of protection so that you aren’t really able to see them.

5. Lastly, you don’t really want to go around being invisible in the world, do you? You are here to be seen for the beauty of who you are inside and out and to bring your best and brightest on behalf of yourself and the rest of the world.

So, you have only one thing left to do and don’t wait until the water hits the bottom floor.

Get “naked” now.

Jude Luttrell